Tuesday, June 23, 2020


xkcd: Donner

In the land of CHAZ or CHOP a place that has been described by the Mayor of Seattle as “the summer of love” there were two separate shootings.  Some people in CHAZ or CHOP reflexively dialed 911.  But when the Police showed up the Leaders of CHOP or CHAZ took over and refused to let the Police enter.  When the Ambulance showed up, the Ambulance driver explained to the Leaders of CHOP or CHAZ that he wasn’t going to the scene of a shooting, without the Police and said “Bye”.  The Leaders of the CHOP or CHAZ didn’t quite understand but pretty much everyone else got that PDQ.  But the question that lingers on is, if you can’t get an Ambulance to show up when someone is shot, what are the odds of ordering a Pizza or some Sushi?  Probably not too good. 

So, we’re kind of wondering what will happen in the long term to this latest attempt at Utopia.  I mean most of us would assume that any modern-day Utopia would have Pizza and Sushi and well, some kind of medical help too.  Of course, back in the old days there was no such things and there is, a long history of Utopias in America.  In fact, that’s why people crossed the ocean and came here in the first place, to find Utopia.  So, another question rears its head and that is will this CHAZ or CHOP this “summer of love”, become another Plymouth Rock which is in modern day Massachusetts.  Or will the inhabitants of “the summer of love” go the way of The Roanoke Colony or the Donner Party?  For those of you who don’t know, the Roanoke Colony was an early settlement of about 112 people back 1585, in what is now North Carolina.  The Roanoke Colonists built a Fort while they awaited their relief that would bring them much needed supplies.  But when their relief showed up, the Fort stood tall but there was no one home.  No one found bodies and no one could ever find out what happened to them.  They just sort of faded away into the landscape.  Now the Donner Part were a group of settlers heading west in 1846 who got lost in a snow storm and then they ran out of food.  And, well... They wound up eating each other.  Hey, they were out of food, people died in the cold and snow and well what to do?  Some of The Donner party lived to tell their tragic story and some became the 1846/47 version of Sushi. 

But what will become of CHAZ or CHOP in this ‘the summer of love’?  Will they become a permanent fixture on the American Continent?  Or will they just fade away?  Or will they wind up eating each other?  And, when it's all over one way or the other, will anyone care? 
Dicens simile factum est 
Pro Bono Publco 

Monday, June 8, 2020


FULL MATCH - John Cena vs. The Great Khali – WWE Title Match: WWE ...

According to the statistics of the CDC that’s the Center for Disease Control of the United States 1.9 million people have contracted The Kung Flu here in America.  Sadly, 111,000 people have died from it.  The good news though is 528,000 people have recovered.  But we’re kind of wondering what happened to the other 1.26 million people who contracted The Kung Flu?  Are they still sick?  That seems kind of unlikely, as it would require them to have the Kung Flu for a couple of months and The Kung Flu only lasts 10 to 14 days at most.  Are they you know… the other thing and no one has had time to contact their families?  Did they simply wander away somewhere ashamed and afraid to seek treatment, not wanting their families to also get the disease?  Have they migrated to other countries like Mexico, Brazil or China?  What, happened to their stimulus checks?  Will we ever know what became of them?  Will this become one of the great mysteries of the 21st Century?  Same as, did O.J. do it and what happened to Amelia Earhart were unanswered questions for the 20th Century?  Does anyone care?

And why is there no Major League Baseball?  There has been professional baseball in America since 1869 when the first professional team the Cincinnati Red Stockings, started paying their players.  All through WWI, the Spanish Flu, WWII, hurricanes and all kinds of assorted calamities there was always Major League Baseball.  We ask this question because of The WWE, the World Wrestling Entertainment or professional wrestling as it’s known.  Any yeah, yeah, we know its fake but it’s on TV and it’s live!  If you tune in, you’ll see that these are not, replays with Triple H, Andre the Giant or the Fabulous Moolah.  There are no fans in the stands but these guys and gals are not practicing safe distancing.  You can’t do that when you have to kick your opponent in the face, hit them over the head with a chair or pin them to the mat.  And, they’re not wearing masks!  Well some are, as it’s part of their costume.  But if we can have the WWE why not Baseball?  If the WWE doesn’t need fans in the stands, we don’t either.  And, unlike the WWE, Major League players are not even close to each other on the ballfield.  Well other than the batter and the catcher and the catcher is already wearing a mask.  And, everyone is already wearing gloves.  What about the home plate umpire you might ask?  Well we could just move him back behind the pitcher like they did in the 1890s.  Or put him the broadcast booth and let him use the TV screen.  He’d probably see the pitches a lot better.   Come on MLB grow a…  ooops.  We almost said a baddie there.  But you know, the thing you wear the cup and the jockstrap over.

Dicens simile factum est
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