Saturday, December 18, 2021

Quiz Time

A few times a year we like to have a quiz just to make sure everyone is paying attention.  And as 2021 comes to a close, now seems as good a time as any.

First up Jussie Smollett was in the news in 2021 because...

A.  Jussie was mugged by two MAGA hat wearing white guys who told him it was Giuliani time and they put a noose around his neck.

B.  Jussie claimed he was abducted by Aliens from a galaxy far far away, who were wearing MAGA hats and they said they didn't like Gays and they put a noose around his neck

C.  Jussie created a hoax where he said he was mugged by two white guys but they were really two of his friends who he had rehearsed the whole thing with and he put the noose around his own neck.

D.  All of the above.

Next up, Alec Baldwin who was in the news this year because...

A.  Alec starred in a Western named Rust.

B.  Alec cried during a TV interview.

C.  Alec shot two people.

D.  Alec claimed he didn't know the gun was loaded.

E.  All of the above.

And, Governor Andrew Cuomo was in the news 2021 because...

A.  Andrew was the Governor of New York State and thought of as "Presidential" by a whole lot of the Cognoscenti of The Known World for his handling of the Kung Flu crisis in New York State.

B.  Andrew is the brother of Chris Cuomo former News Anchor at CNN.

C.  Andrew was forced to resign as Governor of New York State despite a whole lot of the Cognoscenti of The Known World describing him as "Presidential" because a whole lot of women claimed he sexually harassed them.

D.  Andrew got 5.1 million to write a book about how he handled the Kung Flu crisis in New York.

E.  Andrew was told to return the 5.1 million for his book by the New York State Ethics committee who Andrew in turn told.  'Sorry too late, I spent it.'

F.  All of the above.

Last but certainly not least Ghislaine Maxwell was in the news because...

A.  Ghislaine's lover of many years died tragically and a Youtube video of her singing 'La Vi En Rose', went viral.

B.  Ghislaine has a cooking show called 'Eat, As If This Is Your Last Meal'.

C.  Ghislaine lured, seduced and groomed little girls for the rich and famous.

D.  Ghislaine was one of former President Billy Bob's girlfriends.

E.  All of the above.

Now it's time to tally it all up.  For every correct answer give yourself 25 points.


Question 1.  The correct answer is C but if you picked A give yourself 5 points because that was in the news a lot.  We would like to add that in a sane world, someone would have taken this kid to the Psych Ward when he showed up with the noose around his neck.  Actually, it's not too late.

Question 2.  The correct answer is E all of the above and again give yourself 5 points if you picked any of the others as each answer was correct on its own.

Question 3.  The correct answer is F and again give yourself 5 points if you picked any of the other answers as they were all true on their own.  And, while the answer E is true, we know that wasn't in the news.  But since we go where the Mass Hysteria fears to tread, we even got the actual quote which was "Tough bleep bitches, I spent it."  We cleaned it up a little, as this is a family channel.

Question 4.  The correct answer is C but give yourself 10 points if you picked D as the two of them spent a lot of time together in planes, on that Island and in the White House, so something probably happened.  And, when we say Billy Bob's girlfriend we don't mean an actual relationship.  A hot five minutes somewhere, counts.

If you got a 100 Congratulations!  You're a Winner!  Sorry, we have nothing to send you what with all the Chain Supply Thing /a' Ma Jig, and all the inflation and the Kung Flu.  But hey, you won.  If you got anything less than a 80, seek help.  Unlike our other quizzes, this one was easy.

Dicens Simile Factum Est

Pro Bono Publico

Saturday, December 4, 2021


Some of the once wonderous and beautiful people have had their lives take a detour lately.  But as they say, when one door closes another one opens.

First up, Ghislaine Maxwell.  Ghislaine went on trial last week in Federal Court down there at 40 Centre Street.  In case you didn't know or hadn't heard, she was the late Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's paramour.  And, according to the Feds also his Procurer-in-chief.  It was she, the Feds say in a six count indictment, who recruited the young girls for Jeffrey and his friends.  Now some people think she'll get convicted.  That it's a done deal.  But other people think she can get off.  If, her Attorneys can paint Jeffrey Epstein as The Real Bad Guy and she as just another of his victims.  But that might be a long shot.  If so, we're afraid that the next door to open for Ghislaine, is the one at Allenwood Federal Correction Complex.

And Chris Cuomo has been fired at CNN!  Why?  Well, he helped his brother Andrew former Governor of New York and known affectionately around here as Cuomo The Younger, fight the many allegations of sexual abuse that were coming so fast most of us couldn't keep count.  So, Chris helped out his brother!  Who can blame him?  Well CNN can!  It seems Chris broke the rules over there at CNN!  We're using a lot of ! ! here, as this is shocking!  We didn't know CNN had any rules.

Where to go from here for Chris?  Well there's MSNBC where they took on Brian 'The Iraqis were shooting at me." Williams.  Oh wait, CNN's ratings are lower than MSNBC's.  Well there's always Mark Cuban's old cable channel AXS, where Dan Rather languished rather anonymously for a decade or so.  Then there's Sirius XM, a radio outlet, where Dan Rather also languished for a few more years.  And, of course Chris could run for higher office.  The New York Governor's race is wide open right now.

And Carrie Bourassa a self described "Indigenous feminist", "proud Metis" and Professor at  the University of Saskatchewan, has been fired.  She was also an expert on Indigenous issues, probably because she claimed to be Inuit, Anishinaabe, and Tinge.  Those are Indigenous tribes in Canada.  There must be a lot of money or something else of great value to being a Native American in the world of Academia.  As we all know Carrie Bourassa is not the first to pull this off.  But just like her counterpart here in the US of A, someone went and looked up her family tree.  And, all they found were a bunch of white people from Europe.  That's when she got the heave ho.

Where do you go after you've been fired and outed as phony Native American?  Well we looked this up, seems Canada has a House of Commons and a Senate.  Where else would she go?  Besides, who else to represent the Inuit, Anishinaabe and the Tinge?

Dicens Simile Factum Est

Pro Bono Publico

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