Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Conundrum

There are 91 counts filed against Donald John Trump former President of The United States and he's facing these counts in four different trials.  His detractors are filled with glee, anticipating "Orange Man in an orange jumpsuit" for the rest of his life.  His defenders dream of him wining the Presidency, pardoning himself and then spending four glorious years as President.  As this unfolds, members of the Mass Hysteria, The Talking Heads and The Cognoscenti Of The Known World, will be having a field day screaming, pontificating and telling us this is the end of democracy, no matter what the outcome is, in each trial.

Also the elected and the unelected politicians of all parties and all political affiliations, the political class in total, will be apoplectic on any given day or everyday.  They will also intone, this is the end of democracy no matter what the outcome is, in each trial.

But if there are any sane people among the members of the Mass Hysteria or the political class, there may be no desire to see an ex-President rot away in prison.  There may be no desire among a whole lot of the sane people in the United States, who are not in the Mass Hysteria or the political class, to watch an ex-President rotting away in prison.  It might look bad for the country.  Other countries might see us as a Banana Republic.  So there is the conundrum.  Can anyone beat 91 counts in 4 different cases?  Probably not.  Can anyone simply wipe away all the convictions?  Probably not.

Now we don't simply tell you that the world is a dark place, be afraid, be very afraid.  And oh yeah, send us your money so we can keep screaming about it.  No, we light candles and there is a solution to this conundrum.  It is old.  It goes back to antiquity but surprisingly it is still in use in the modern day world and that solution is...  Exile.

Yup just like we said it goes back to antiquity and the first guy who was exiled was Psisitratus The Tyrant of Athens in 561 B.C.  He got sent to Rhaecelus, a small island in the Aegean Sea.  And, you might be remembering Napoleon now, which was two centuries ago but Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran got exiled here to the U S of A in 1979.  Of course, that set off 44 years of grief for the U.S. and Iran.  Exile, often isn't pretty.  But it worked for the Shah, as he died in bed instead of at the end of a rope.  Then there was Jean Baptiste Duvalier aka Baby Doc, who got exiled to France in 1986, where he at least spoke the language.  And, Jair Bolsonaro former President of Brazil, sitting right here in the USA.  Exiled here, just last year.  You might pass him on the street.

So, it's a tried and true method that is still very much in use.  We're thinking of some place like United Arab Emirates or Abu Dhabi or Saudi Arabia.  Some place where a guy with a few billion would be treated like a King or a Prince or an Emir.  He could even have his own Podcast where he could hold forth on anything or everything.  He could call it 'The President In Exile'.  Of course his detractors could call it "I'm Fired".  

Now if there are any sane members of the Mass Hysteria or the Political class and they come up with this idea, just remember, that you heard it here first.

Maybe we really are the cutting edge, the tip of the spear in this journalism thing.  Maybe we should change our motto to 'Ad extremum hastae' (the tip of the spear in Latin).  Nah.  We'll stick with 'Telling it like it is.  For the Public Good'.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Saturday, August 19, 2023

This Just In! Breaking News!


We like to think we're the cutting edge, the tip of the spear in this journalism thing, so we can take everything in stride and not lose our focus like The Talking Heads of the Mass Hysteria do, when something comes out of nowhere.  But Brittany Spears and her husband of one year Sam Asghari, just separated and they are headed for divorce!  Wow!  We didn't see that one coming.

And Phillip Swagel the Director of the CBO that's Congressional Budget Office which makes him the government's economics guru said all the inflation we're experiencing is the result of "massive government spending".  Wow!  Who'd a' thunk that one!

And this one is a real shocker.  The authorities in New Mexico did another test on the gun that Alec Baldwin used to shoot the Cinematographer and the Director on the set of the movie 'Rust'.  Alex has said again and again that he never pulled the trigger.  That he never would have and could not have pulled the trigger.  The gun just went off.  The gun did it.  And when all the charges were dropped, it seemed the Prosecutors agreed with him.  Why would he lie?  But in this new test, the gun, seems to disagree.  The gun said, I will not fire until you pull my trigger.  Will Alec be arrested?  Indicted?  Will he get perp walked?  Will he have to pay for his sins?  Who could have seen this one coming?

Like we said at the beginning, we think of ourselves as the cutting edge, the tip of the spear of this journalism thing.  We don't want to be like the Talking Heads of the Mass Hysteria or The Cognoscenti Of The Known World, reacting like hyperactive teenagers who don't take their Ritalin, every time something happens.  No, we want to be sensible, perceptive and have a sense of decorum.  But then there are these things that you just can't foresee.  They just happen, like earthquakes or Tsunamis.  No one could see them coming.  So we just try to grin and bear it, suck it up and bring you all the news.  And, more importantly the insights you'll need, to get through the day.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


As the case against Hunter Biden grows and grows a dem congressman named Jamie Raskin said that Hunter did "a lot of really unlawful things".  And another dem congressman Jim Hines flat out said of Hunter Biden "he broke the law".  This is called.  'Your own man says so.'  For those of you who don't know what that refers to, it's when kids are playing a choose up game and there's a close play and the kid who is out, thinks he safe.  The kid on the other team who made the play, says he was out.  The argument might go on for awhile, as there are no umpires for kids in a choose up game.  But when one of the kids on his own team who saw the play really well reluctantly says.  "He was out."  It ends the argument, as it is known as 'Your own man says so'.  So when dems say about their own guy, that he did it, he did it.  To which we say.  "Noooo!".

And people are upset that President Biden had no comment when asked about the wild fires in Maui that took the lives of close to 100 people.  It seems kind of cold but our sources tell us that Old Brains had no idea where Maui was.  He thought he was being asked about some place in Ukraine.  You know Mariupol or Mykolaiv.  And he's under strict orders not to comment on anything about Ukraine unless he's reading the comments off the teleprompter.  And then only after he's been told what the question will be and which reporter will ask it.  Now some of you out there may be saying "Noooo!" but to that we say "Yessss!".

And as of today Donald John Trump, former President of the United States and our former neighbor, is facing 119 felony counts in four separate cases.  Now we're not sure if this is some kind of a record but we know it's more charges than John Gotti another of our neighbors, Vincent The Chin Gigante or even Lucky Luciano ever faced.  And, we don't think anyone ever beat 119 counts in four different cases, so it may well be, off to the Hoosegow for the ex-President.  Some of you maybe going "Noooo!" and some of you may be going "Yessss!" but this will open up opportunities for the ex-Prez.  We see a reality based show along the lines of '60 Days In' or 'Love After Lockup' where he reunites with Melania.  There's some great potential here; a Reality Show with a tremendous amount of buzz, a ton of views, likes and a lot of high ratings for whatever channel and streaming service gets the show.  In today's world among the glitterati, who doesn't want that?

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico