Friday, March 29, 2024

Rearing Its Ugly Head

If you watch the clips on Youtube, Rumble, TikTok or some other platform with videos you will see a blurb under some of them that says 'So and So destroyed'.  Or it might even say 'So and So' annihilated.  If you then watch the clip, you will see two people sort of debating.  If you want to call it that and one of them might get a good quip in.  The other might in turn, have a lame answer or no answer at all.  But after the clip finishes, you might have noticed that the 'So and So' who was destroyed is still there and in one piece too.  You might also notice them showing up in another clip where their new opponent might be getting destroyed or annihilated or they might be getting destroyed or annihilated all over again.  But then as that clip comes to an end, everyone is still in one piece.

Now just for the record.  Destroyed: 1) to ruin the structure, organic existence or condition of.  2) to ruin as if tearing to shreds.  Annihilated: 1) to cause to cease to exist : to do away with entirely so that nothing remains.

Yet as we previously noted these destroyed and annihilated people are still there and in one piece too.  And sometimes these are people we don't like too much.  Talk about being disappointed.

And Puff Daddy, P. Diddy whose real name is Sean Combs who we all thought was some genius music mogul, rapper artist and big time entrepreneur, is just a run of the mill, garden variety Sadist.  If we are to believe just a modicum of the allegations that have been leveled against him.  Maybe like his illustrious predecessor the Marquis De Sade, Puffy Daddy will do his best work in prison.  So maybe not all is lost.  But we, like a whole lot of people, really thought he was somebody.  Talk about disappointment.

And the Major League Baseball season opened.  By the end of the season only two teams will win a League Championship and only one will win the World Series.  So most fans will wind up gnashing their teeth.  As they say, Baseball will break your heart.  It is part of its endearing charm.  But right now every fan can dream.  Their team wins it all.  The final out clutched firmly in one of their heroes glove.  The players dousing each other with Champagne and the victory parade down the main through fare of their City.  Everyone can just about see it, taste it, touch it.  Let's leave it like that.  We want to end this article on a positive note.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Thursday, March 7, 2024


For a while now we have been trying to come up with a term that encompasses all the various things we  tune into everyday to find out what's going on in the world; the internet, cable and broadcast T.V. podcasts, streaming, social media and what was the mainstream media or WWTMM as were going to call it from now on.  We think it needs an anacronym, as it's old, archaic even and if you're under 70, you may never have seen much of it.  From time to time, we've been referring to all these platforms as the Mass Hysteria, the Talking Heads and The Cognoscenti of the Known World.  All of those terms we still like, as they are apropos about certain aspects but none of those terms seemed to encompass it all.  We were thinking Infosphere but that wasn't quite descriptive enough and many times it's not even  information.  Then we realized that we sort of stumbled on this term a few weeks back, when talking about how the WWTMM covered the war in Gaza, wars in general and that was it... The Fog.

We really like this term because it can also cover Reality Shows not so Reality Shows, The WWE, Podcasts, Blogs, Social Media Platforms, Social Media Influencers and Politics.  Maybe you can tell the difference between these entities, sometimes we can too but  sometimes, we can't.

Webster's Dictionary describes The Fog as. 1. vapor condensed to fine particles of water suspended in the lower atmosphere that differs from cloud only in being near the ground. 2. a state of confusion or bewilderment.

Now we're not looking down our noses at the various entities in The Fog, as we are firmly in The Fog.  We are a Blog.  And we're not trying to say that The Fog makes everything murky and indefinable.  When you get close to an object in The Fog it is very clear, even crystal clear.  Like some movie star who has a series of hit movies and he's on every platform.  He's front and center everywhere.  But then he descends into a haze of drugs, divorce, sex scandals and fades back into the mist, never to be seen or heard from again.  Think Johnny Depp here.

Or faces come out of The Fog, many of them all at once, to scream and pontificate about something and then...  Well it all just fades back into the mist, like the war in Ukraine, the Federal Deficit or all the people running for President in a given election year.  Has anyone heard from or remember Jeb Bush?

We'd like to ask what is it all about?  Does any of it have real merit?  And we strive to Tell It Like It Is for the Public Good but then...  Like we said we're in The Fog too.  We're part of it.  Trust no one.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bon Publico