Friday, June 23, 2023

Maybe Not Such A Hot Idea

Nicholas Malvagna threw his cell phone at the singer Bebe Rexha at the close of her show.  He hit her resulting in some nasty bruising.  When asked why?  Malvagna said he thought it would be funny.  The Police arrested him and while he thought it was funny at the time, he had to have that moment when he realized it wasn't such a hot idea.  Maybe that moment came when he was being handcuffed, booked, strip searched or maybe when they told him, he could make one phone call.

Now we're not sure if it was the 7th or the 15th or the 22nd but we're pretty sure by the time he read the 37th count in his indictment, that former President of the United States Donald John Trump, realized that maybe taking these things home with him, wasn't such a hot idea.

Obviously letting Tucker go was not such a hot idea but as they were cleaning house over there at Fox News, the name Geraldo Rivera had to have come up.  Someone must have asked.  "Who hired this guy?"  When no one would own up to it, it was bye bye Geraldo.  For those of you still watching 'The Five', you won't have Geraldo to kick around anymore.

And, June 21, 2023 came and went and we're all still here.  Guess we can all thank the Big Guy and Jesus or whoever you want because Great Thunberg back on June 21, 2018 said we had five years before the climate and that means the rest of us along with it, would just go poof!  Now you may think that she might be sitting there and thinking maybe that wasn't such a hot idea to say that back then, as everyone is still around today.  But not to worry.  People who predict the end of it all and then the end doesn't come well...  They just change the date.  You can look that up.  Besides, she was only 15 years old back then.  We're pretty sure she was just reading something that someone else wrote.  It's not her fault.  Don't be hating.

Oh yeah, that's Bebe Rexha at the top of the page.  No, we did not just put her picture up there so we could have a beautiful woman at the top of the page.  There are pictures of her after she got hit with the phone that might be more apropos to this article but we didn't like those.  And, we can't help it if she's beautiful and elegant.  Don't be hating.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Friday, June 16, 2023

Truth, Rumor Or ?


 As FOX News craters in the ratings, they just fell behind MSNBC, maybe it's time to take another look at what everyone calls the Main Stream Media.  As we pointed out just a few weeks ago, even when FOX News was riding high with Tucker, they were only drawing 3 million viewers.  And the population of the United States is 335 million people.  So that meant that 99.2% of the American people weren't even looking.  Now both FOX News and MSNBC draw around 1.5 million each which means that 99.6% of the American people don't give either of them a sideways glance.

But this got us looking at the other alphabet members of the so called Main Stream Media and we found that ABC Nightly News averages around 7 million viewers, NBC Nightly News around 6 million and change and shock and amazement CBS Nightly News only 4 million and change.  Contrast this against The Joe Rogan Experience which draws 11 million people a day and Crime Junkie which averages around 10 million viewers a day and they're Podcasts.  Maybe all these so called Newscasts are really just Podcasts.  But then the Podcasts are out drawing them, so that wouldn't be accurate would it?  Perhaps Blogs, are more appropriate?  The ABC blog, the FOX blog, the MSNBC blog and the CNN blog.  Although CNN at a half a million viewers an hour, is probably way behind a lot of blogs.


Alec Baldwin aka The Man Who Shot the Cinematographer and the Director, has been seen walking around our fair city with a cane and we want to kill the rumor that he shot himself in the leg.  We can confirm through sources, that he had hip replacement surgery.  People have to stop saying that he shot himself.


The story that once Kevin Spacey is acquitted in his sexual harassment case in London that he'll be starring in a new rendition of House of Cards, is persistent.  In this one, he doesn't play Frank Underwood.  This isn't a prequel.  No, in this one he plays another President, who unlike Frank Underwood couldn't finagle his way out of it all or manage to die either.  So this guy is in prison.  But he is still the President.  The House of Representatives impeached him but the Senate did not convict.  So this new series is about how this President wheels, deals and runs the country from his prison cell.  Some people say this plot is too far out to be possible.  Others think it's not so far fetched and only awaits, Kevin Spacey's acquittal.  

Oh yeah, rumor has it that the working title for this new Kevin Spacey series is 'Solitaire'.

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Pro Bono Publico

Sunday, June 11, 2023

They're Here!

They're Here!  So says David Charles Grusch former Air Force Intelligence Officer and self proclaimed whistleblower.  Grusch says the United States Government has covert programs that are holding partially intact and intact craft of "non-human origin".  And, the intact craft had the bodies of the dead pilots in it.  In other words E.T. came, he crashed and he died here.

Okay, okay we know you skeptics out there don't believe.  You're wondering why doesn't David Charles Grusch former Air Force Intelligence Officer and self proclaimed whistleblower, have something like a few pictures of the dead E.T. pilots?  Well, maybe they don't let you take your cell phone into the very secret room, buried deep in the tunnels of Area 51?  But ah ha you say there are those little, mini cameras that are so small you could hide them under your tongue or in some other body cavity?  Or he could have taken a toe nail.  Who'd notice that?  Or at least an E.T. chewing gum wrapper that was made of  material not of this earth, with writing on it that had no relation to any human alphabet?  You know, E.T. hieroglyphics.

Well if you skeptics don't believe him, it matters not.  Tucker Carlson late of Fox News fame, believes him.  Tucker even ran with this story on the opening segment of his new Twitter show!  Tucker is going to be speaking truth to power!  That's his new shtick.  And Tucker wondered why the rest of the Mass Hysteria wasn't covering the story.  We mean if they could ever get hysterical about anything, the arrival of E.T. should be it.  As all readers of this column know, the Mass Hysteria is not above making things up but they probably would like a few pictures or better still video.  Maybe a fake memo or two?  So if this Grusch guy could come up with something like that, we're pretty sure it wouldn't just be us and Tucker Carlson covering this story.  This story, would be all over the place.

And David Charles Grush also spoke of the "partially intact craft".  In other words other "non-human origin" craft and he didn't say anything about what happened to their pilots.  Maybe, like we said at the top of this article... They're here!

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Pro Bono Publico

Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Fall Of...

As you can see the President took a fall.  Not his first and probably not his last but all you Old Brains fans not to worry.  Rome fell, as did the Mongol Empire, the Ming Dynasty and a whole host of other folks.  If you don't believe us, just ask Meghan and Harry or Harvey Weinstein.  Better still, ask Gary Condit.  Who?  You see people forget, everyone forgets, even President Biden.

BTW someone once unfriended us because we made fun of Old Brains Biden.  We thought that was kind of silly.  Getting mad at Presidents is the same as getting mad at the actors Roger Moore or George Lazanby when they played James Bond.  We didn't particularly care for them in that role but hell, they're just actors.  It's not their fault.  Just as it's not ours, when we make fun of them.  They don't mind and neither should you.

Speaking of Harry and Meghan aka Megharry, sources close to them are letting it be known that they're all done with the tell-alls.  No more books, no more Netflix series and no more interviews about the woes and pitfalls of being rich, famous and maudlin.  Could be as some say that they've nothing left to tell.  Could be that no one talks to them.  We mean if you ran into them at a party after the weather, what would you say to them?  You got to figure they're wired and anything you say might wind up in their next book.  Maybe no one talks to them.  Would you?  We mean after, hot hunh?  And, this could be a case of too little, too late.  Could be they've gone the way of the Mongols, the Mings and Gary Condit?

Then of course there is the fall of Fox News.  It seems the Murdochs who own Fox and a million other things dumped their number 1 boy, Tucker Carlson.  Hell they've dumped Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Gretchen Carlson and Shepard Smith and never missed a beat but this time it was different.  The audience got mad and they've left the building.  Fox News gets tied with or even loses to MSNBC in the ratings!  They haven't fallen as far as CNN as that's the bottom.  But then, who knows?

Now we're not saying the News media lives in a bubble all their own.  But they all might want to have a moment when they look at the population of the United States of America.  It is 335 million people.  So even when Fox News and Tucker were riding high and drawing 3 million people a show, that meant that 99.2 percent of the American people didn't even know he or they, were on the air.  Could it be that Fox, MSNBC, CNN and all the rest, just go the way of the Mings, the Romans, the Mongols and Gary Condit?

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