Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Fall Of...

As you can see the President took a fall.  Not his first and probably not his last but all you Old Brains fans not to worry.  Rome fell, as did the Mongol Empire, the Ming Dynasty and a whole host of other folks.  If you don't believe us, just ask Meghan and Harry or Harvey Weinstein.  Better still, ask Gary Condit.  Who?  You see people forget, everyone forgets, even President Biden.

BTW someone once unfriended us because we made fun of Old Brains Biden.  We thought that was kind of silly.  Getting mad at Presidents is the same as getting mad at the actors Roger Moore or George Lazanby when they played James Bond.  We didn't particularly care for them in that role but hell, they're just actors.  It's not their fault.  Just as it's not ours, when we make fun of them.  They don't mind and neither should you.

Speaking of Harry and Meghan aka Megharry, sources close to them are letting it be known that they're all done with the tell-alls.  No more books, no more Netflix series and no more interviews about the woes and pitfalls of being rich, famous and maudlin.  Could be as some say that they've nothing left to tell.  Could be that no one talks to them.  We mean if you ran into them at a party after the weather, what would you say to them?  You got to figure they're wired and anything you say might wind up in their next book.  Maybe no one talks to them.  Would you?  We mean after, hot hunh?  And, this could be a case of too little, too late.  Could be they've gone the way of the Mongols, the Mings and Gary Condit?

Then of course there is the fall of Fox News.  It seems the Murdochs who own Fox and a million other things dumped their number 1 boy, Tucker Carlson.  Hell they've dumped Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Gretchen Carlson and Shepard Smith and never missed a beat but this time it was different.  The audience got mad and they've left the building.  Fox News gets tied with or even loses to MSNBC in the ratings!  They haven't fallen as far as CNN as that's the bottom.  But then, who knows?

Now we're not saying the News media lives in a bubble all their own.  But they all might want to have a moment when they look at the population of the United States of America.  It is 335 million people.  So even when Fox News and Tucker were riding high and drawing 3 million people a show, that meant that 99.2 percent of the American people didn't even know he or they, were on the air.  Could it be that Fox, MSNBC, CNN and all the rest, just go the way of the Mings, the Romans, the Mongols and Gary Condit?

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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