Saturday, January 29, 2022


We found it really heart warming that President Biden called young Peter Doocy of Fox News last week to apologize for calling him a "stupid son of a b*tch."  I mean when can you remember a President calling a reporter to apologize for anything?  We couldn't.  So, like we said that was heart warming and we also feel that this apology helps the spirit of unity, since young Peter Doocy like his Daddy works for Fox News.  And, Fox News is the conservative news outlet, supposedly.  But in the spirit of wokeness, shouldn't the President really have called Mrs. Doocy, Peter's Mommy to apologize?  We mean, she's really the wounded party, the victim here.  Isn't she?  She's the one the President called a b*tch.  And while the President is at it, he should call Mr. Doocy, Peter's Daddy, as it's his wife the President called a b*tch.  It's not too late Mr. President.

BTW where are all the woke people when you need them?  Why are we the only ones who noticed this?

And, RFK Jr. apologized after he compared the vaccination bruhaha to Nazi Germany and Anne Frank.  He said.  “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did,”  If you've ever seen RFK Jr. speak you might come away with the impression that he's mentally challenged and his latest comments did nothing to dissuade that.  But we just think he stutters.  And, we're glad that he came around to realizing everything is not quite Nazi Germany, no matter how excited he got at the perfidy of it all.  A whole lot of people nowadays, don't get that, even if they're not mentally challenged, supposedly.

And Jerry Falwell Jr. disgraced and ousted former President of Liberty College has lost 80 pounds and is on the road to redemption.  Seems he said some things in the past that might have been racist and anti-Muslim.  But the straw that broke the camel's back and the thing that got him ousted or forced to resign, was his wife had an affair with the pool boy.  Now, this wouldn't normally force some school President to get ousted but this is Liberty University and it's a real Christian place.  Spouses of the faculty or the President of the University are not supposed to have affairs with the pool boy or anyone else for that matter.  This isn't UCLA or CNN, where you can just carry on any which way you want.  No.  But Jerry Falwell Jr. in the spirit of wokenss, realized that it all might have been his fault, not his wife's.  He hadn't been taking care of her or himself.  So, he went on a diet, lost the 80 pounds, took testosterone injections and won his wife back.  And, as she said "They are more together now than any couple you will meet in your life."  She's apologized, he's apologized and maybe even the pool boy has apologized.  We're not sure.  But we just have to wonder if maybe it's time for Liberty University to take him back?  Or at least, apologize for forcing him out.  And, why not?  Everyone's doing it.

And, we put a picture of Billy Eckstein at the top here because his rendition of the song 'I Apologize' is the best.  He had that great baritone voice and when he sings "If I made you cry.  If I told a lie...  I'm sorry.  From the bottom of my heart dear.  I apologize." you really believe him.  Even if you don't buy some of the other apologies listed above.

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Pro Bono Publico

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Week That Was Jan 15, 2022

We got some really scary news last week.  Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of our beloved Bronx and Queens, ex-bartender, triple vaxxed and one of the first people to tell us to wear a mask, got the Kung Flu.  Is no one safe?  Will this nightmare ever end?  "Oh the horror!"

And it was reported that Alan Dershowitz famed Harvard Law Professor asked then President Donald John Trump who some people confuse with Hitler, for a pardon for Ghislaine Maxwell back in 2020.  Now some people, including one young woman Virginia Giuffe a victim, have said that the Famed Law Professor had sex with her when she was underage and he was a member of the Epstein/Maxwell gaggle.  But as of us going to press, that is still just an allegation.  Repeat, that is only an allegation.  We don't want to get sued here.  Famed Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is suing Ms Giuffe.  But you might ask, as we are doing, why would Alan Dershowitz, famed Harvard Law Professor ask for a pardon for Ghislaine?  Well, he is a lawyer and Ghislaine is his friend.  There are pictures that attest to that.  Maybe Ghislaine hired him to ask for a pardon?  Then again, maybe the Famed Law Professor likes little girls and there are pictures of that too?  And, maybe even video?  Some people speculate about things like that.  Not us of course.  And, maybe the pardon would have put that all to rest?  Hey, we said maybe.

Did you miss the Golden Globes this year?  Don't feel bad, so did everyone else.  It wasn't on TV.  Not on  broadcast, cable or even any of the streaming services.  Seems the Golden Globes has had a few issues.  While people may pontificate about various things like inclusion and wokeness, it doesn't mean they actually, ever, do them.  And, the Golden Globes sort of got hoisted on their own petards.  That, and their ratings were in the toilet.  So, the Golden Globes couldn't find a venue or even a host and well they just put the winners up on their Twitter account.  Most of the winners didn't even acknowledge that they'd won.  Maybe they didn't know.  So we didn't get to see another line up of lame brain narcissists thank Grandma, Jesus, their Kindergarten teacher or whoever has replaced Harvey Weinstein in Hollyweird.  Do you feel cheated?  Not to worry, the Oscars are coming up soon.

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Pro Bono Publico

Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy 2022 and a Few Things

Happy New Year everybody and the IRS says don't forget to file your taxes this year.  Well they say that every year but this year they also want you to report your ill gotten gains.  If you're a Meth dealer or a Shylock or if you went to one of those smash and grabs and made off with a car full of stuff, you should report it this year.  We're not sure what form you use.  We didn't see a box on the standard 1040.  Does anyone know?

And Dan Rather the guy who had to quit the big time news business because of a fake story with fake memos piped up to say.  "People who say Let's Go Brandon, can't handle the truth."  Maybe he forgot his own fake story with the fake memos.  Hell that was back in 2004 and Dan is getting on in his years.  Dan is 90.  So maybe he also forgot that the quote came from a fictional character Colonel Jessup played by Jack Nicholson.  Colonel Jessup/Jack Nicholson in case you forgot or didn't know, has a classic meltdown on the witness stand.  A young Tom Cruise gets him babbling like the nut job that he is and one of his lines is.  "You can't handle the truth!"  The movie is A Few Good Men and if you never saw it, that scene alone is worth the price of admission.  Turns out Colonel Jessup caused the death of one of his own men and he has a real convoluted way of justifying it.  So maybe Dan didn't realize who he was quoting.  Then again, maybe Dan did.  Maybe Dan's memory is intact too.  Maybe Colonel Jessup was and still is, Dan's hero.

And in another oops concerning the Kung Flu, Dr. Gottlieb, former head of the FDA that's the Federal Drug Administration, now admits that wearing a cloth mask doesn't work.  So all you people who have been wearing those cloth masks for the last two years and well that includes some of us here, we've all just been giving ourselves bad breath, a hard time when exercising or just going up stairs, for well... nothing.

Now they're used to be this thing in Medicine where if you were given some medicine or some kind of regimen and it didn't work, well they told you to stop doing it.  Maybe this Dr. Fauci and his friends never heard of that one or they forgot.  Or maybe they just dropped it, for the Kung Flu.  Then there is the old adage that if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.  And, then there is this definition, if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, it's called insanity.

So after almost two years of masks, some of whom we now learn do nothing, quarantines, shut downs, vaccines, testing and more people getting the Kung Flu than when all this rigmarole started, maybe, just maybe, everyone should just get on with their lives.

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Pro Bono Publico