Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Who Are The Worst People In America?

Who are the worst people in America?  You might be thinking serial killers, drug dealers, organized crime figures or even slumlords but no.  The worst people in America, could be the ones running for office.  If you don't believe us, just watch the commercials.  The people running for office have voted for all manner of evil and they want to take away your rights.  Which rights you might ask?  Well, whatever you got.  What can you do?  Well vote for the other guy of course.  But if you wait a little while, the next set commercials will come on telling you the other guy is not much better, maybe even worse.  What can you do?  Who knows?  Not us.  Good luck at the polls.

And Donald John Trump former President of the United States just took the Republican New Hampshire primary, Can anyone stop the The Beast or is he an unstoppable Juggernaut that will crush his only remaining opponent Niki Haley in the ensuing primaries?  Will he win the election in a landslide with his supporters weeping with joy and his detractors gnashing their teeth once again?  Will he have to take the oath of office from a jail cell?  Or will all the cases against him, just fall apart?  Who knows?  Not us.  Good luck at the polls.

And who will win the Super Bowl?  Teams look unstoppable till they are not.  See the Cowboys and the Packers.  At which point the fans, sometimes the owner and the Cognoscenti of the sports world, want players, coaches, head coaches or coordinators fired, if not tarred feathered and run out of town on a rail.  There is much gnashing of teeth.  Maybe as much if not more than there might be if Donald John Trump gets elected again.  There are no votes here, so don't worry about going to the polls.  But there are points.  So good luck with the spread, the over/under, the first, second, third quarter score and how long it takes Reba McEntire to sing the National Anthem.

Also watch out for the Officials.  Those are the guys in the black and white stripped shirts.  They can throw a flag and call a penalty on just about any play.  They can cause one team to score or not.  They can ruin whichever or whatever way you bet.  They can take the money right out of your pocket.  And, they are the absolute, worse people in America.

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Pro Bono Publico

Friday, January 12, 2024

We've Been Wondering

There are things that make us wonder and we've been wondering about certain things for a while...  Like if a letter is silent was it it there?  Take Ghislaine Maxwell.  When we first saw her name in print we were trying to figure out how to pronounce it.  Ghis translates into what?  Was it pronounced "Ghh-is", sort of like Chris in Christmas?  And then was it "lainee'"?  Because we knew she was French.  But then we find out that the "h" is silent and so it seems is the "s" and so is the "i" in laine.  So her name is pronounced "Ga-lane."  Which begs the question why don't we all just type Ga-lane from now on?  Of course that's only if she stays in the news and doesn't catch the suicide thing.  The suicide thing is a lot like the Covid thing.  It can be the end of you.  And we're going to type it "Ga'lane" with little ' accent in there because she's French.

And why can't Hillary run for President again?  This is the third time for Trump and the fourth or fifth for Biden.  We've lost count.  But Hillary?  She only gets to run once.  Is that fair?  And like why?  Is she too young at only 76?  She'll turn 80, somewhere in her first term just like the other two guys.  So, is it because she's a woman?  The old glass ceiling thing?  Is it the Russians?  Did they say don't even think about letting her run?  It's not fair.  Yeah, yeah we know we're repeating ourselves but that's how unfair it is.

And speaking of the Covid thing, we always wondered what the six feet was about?  If you remember we were all told to stay six feet away from each other.  Why six feet?  Why not five or ten or maybe even better, fifty?  Was it supposed to invoke the same distance as six feet under.  You know how deep you get buried to add more shock and awe?  But now we know from out of the mouth of Dr. Fauci who said.  "It just sort of appeared."  Did he mean like an apparition?  Like Jacob Marley from Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'?  Or was it more like Casper the Friendly Ghost?  Or was it like the Myrmidons of ancient Greece, the loyal followers of Achilles who some legends say rose out of the earth?  Fauci said this in a Congressional hearing and like a lot things with the Congress people, they didn't follow up.  So we will all be, left to wonder.

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Pro Bono Publico

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Suggestions For 2024

In 2023 ABC unveiled a new riff on one of it's tried and true reality shows.  It was The Golden Bachelor.  This one differed from the previous Bachelor or Bachelorette shows in that the Bachelor was a 72 year old guy looking for love with an age appropriate woman.  The show was a big hit.  So we think next year's Golden Bachelor should be William Jefferson Clinton aka the 42nd President of the United States aka John Doe 36.

Obviously the man needs love and like the song says he's been "looking for love in all the wrong places".  Like Epstein's Island of lost teenage girls.  Maybe being on the TV show with a dozen or so age appropriate women to choose from and the audience weighing in on who he should pick, he might get it right this time.  We could sub title this season 'One Last Shot'.

And we have a suggestion for Disney.  Stop making movies.  Now some people say the movies are too woke.  Others say they just spend too much money on the CGI and special effects and they just can't recover the costs.  But they've lost over a billion dollars in 2023 on their movies and as the old saying goes.  'When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.'  Maybe they should try something else like a new religion along the lines of Scientology or an onlyfans.  There's a lot of money in those things.

And maybe the Ham Asses should try something new as well.  We mean something other than popping out of tunnels and firing missiles at Israel, most of which get shot down and a few kill some innocent people.  Of course we mean the Ham Asses that haven't been blown up, shot, drowned in their tunnels or otherwise sent to the hereafter.  Maybe they should learn bricklaying, as scenes from Gaza look like Berlin circa May 1945.  There will be a need for bricklayers, when all of this is done.  Or maybe they could get together and build a real subway with trains, tracks and stops that would take people from point A to point B, C and all over Gaza.  They're real good a building tunnels.  Or maybe they could learn Coding.  Anything but the firing missiles stuff.  That's not working out so hot for them.

Anyway, out with the old and in with the new.

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