Thursday, January 4, 2024

Suggestions For 2024

In 2023 ABC unveiled a new riff on one of it's tried and true reality shows.  It was The Golden Bachelor.  This one differed from the previous Bachelor or Bachelorette shows in that the Bachelor was a 72 year old guy looking for love with an age appropriate woman.  The show was a big hit.  So we think next year's Golden Bachelor should be William Jefferson Clinton aka the 42nd President of the United States aka John Doe 36.

Obviously the man needs love and like the song says he's been "looking for love in all the wrong places".  Like Epstein's Island of lost teenage girls.  Maybe being on the TV show with a dozen or so age appropriate women to choose from and the audience weighing in on who he should pick, he might get it right this time.  We could sub title this season 'One Last Shot'.

And we have a suggestion for Disney.  Stop making movies.  Now some people say the movies are too woke.  Others say they just spend too much money on the CGI and special effects and they just can't recover the costs.  But they've lost over a billion dollars in 2023 on their movies and as the old saying goes.  'When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.'  Maybe they should try something else like a new religion along the lines of Scientology or an onlyfans.  There's a lot of money in those things.

And maybe the Ham Asses should try something new as well.  We mean something other than popping out of tunnels and firing missiles at Israel, most of which get shot down and a few kill some innocent people.  Of course we mean the Ham Asses that haven't been blown up, shot, drowned in their tunnels or otherwise sent to the hereafter.  Maybe they should learn bricklaying, as scenes from Gaza look like Berlin circa May 1945.  There will be a need for bricklayers, when all of this is done.  Or maybe they could get together and build a real subway with trains, tracks and stops that would take people from point A to point B, C and all over Gaza.  They're real good a building tunnels.  Or maybe they could learn Coding.  Anything but the firing missiles stuff.  That's not working out so hot for them.

Anyway, out with the old and in with the new.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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