Much like the Suitors in Odysseus's parlor, waiting for Penelope to finish her Tapestry, The Mass Hysteria and all The Cognoscenti of the Known World, wait with bated breath for Old Brains, Joe Biden to make his Vice-Presidential pick. We know that he’s made this pick three times already. The problem is, after making the pick, he forgot who it was. So, he’s had to start the process all over again. He even wrote the name on a post-it once but when he looked at the name later, he couldn’t remember why it was there.
Two times it was Kamala Harris and one time it was Oprah Winfrey and then Old Brains decided to let his wife make the pick. And, it's a good thing Mrs. Biden picked her. We shudder to think of Kamala muttering to herself for the rest of her life. "I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody!" Much in the way HerHillaryness still does. BTW Oprah, wasn't interested.
Now readers please do not see this reportage of former Vice-President Old Brains, Joe Biden, as some kind of a pejorative. We just go where the rest of the media fears to tread and then bring those facts to you. We like to call this policy, just the facts Ma’am. But just because the facts don’t look so good sometimes, doesn’t mean we don’t like Old Brains, Joe Biden. In fact, some of us are seriously considering endorsing him.
Why you might ask? Well some of the staff here including yours truly are over 70. Yeah, yeah maybe we should retire but then we love this journalism thing, so we’re still at it. But those of us who are over 70, have all had that moment or moments when we’ve walked into a room and then can’t figure out why we’re there. Then we’ve all carefully made a shopping list, so we don’t forget to buy things at the Supermarket. Only to find out when we got to the Supermarket, that we forgot the shopping list. And, we’ve all sat down in front of the TV and watched an old movie or an original episode of Star Trek that we’ve seen at least a half a dozen times but since we can’t remember the ending, it’s like, we’ve never seen it before. And, Joe Biden well, he understands all this. He could be one of us. And, it’s not likely that anyone like us, will ever run for President again. In short, Old Brains is our guy. At least those of us around here who are over 70. The youths around here, don’t necessarily agree which means we might not be able to get a consensus on an endorsement.
But since I’m the senior, (no pun intended) editor I can say, run Joe, run!
Dicens simile factum est
Pro Bono Publico