Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Great Kung Flu Crisis

Dr. Fauci bobblehead unveiled, portion of proceeds going to 100 ...

Back in March Dr. Fauci told us that 2.2 million Americans were going to die of the Kung Flu.  Then he amended the total to 1.7 million Americans were going to die of this Chinese, Wuhan Kung Flu.  Then in April he changed the figures again this time he said that somewhere between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans would die of the Kung Flu.  Now if you owned a business and needed help, would you hire this guy?

Now no one is keeping tabs on suicides during this The Great Kung Flu Crisis but a quick poll among our staff revealed that 90% of us have had suicidal ideation in the last few weeks.  While this is not a scientific poll by any means, we have some numbers here, so we can just throw them out there, like everyone else is doing.  And, if we extrapolate those figures like everyone else is doing with no regard to science, math or common sense, this would mean that 90% the American people have pondered.  “To be or not to be…” in the last few weeks.

We love how our celebrities come on during commercials and tell us to “Stay safe.  Stay home.”  Psst, psst celebrities, everything is closed.  There is nowhere to go.  We’re already home.  For some of us it’s safe there, for others…

And the one great mystery of this The Great Kung Flu Crisis is, why were people buying toilet paper?  Can someone please explain.  And, we don’t want any speculation here.  We want to hear from people who have a few closets or an entire bedroom stacked wall to wall, with rolls of toilet paper.  Why did you do it?  You, can use the comments section below or PM us at

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Pro Bono Publico

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Doing Nothing or Nothing to Do or Just Nothing

Sweet Doing Nothing, 1877 - Auguste Toulmouche -

I ventured out of the house last Friday morning, carefully walking the streets avoiding anyone that came within in fifty feet of me.  That wasn’t too hard, as there aren’t too many people out.  Then I came to the corner where the school is and there standing as she always does every day, was the Crossing Guard.  Now the school of course is closed and there are almost no cars on the road, so she basically has nothing to do.  You might ask why is she even there?  But then I realized as everyone knows, that 90 percent of any job is showing up.  So, when there is nothing to do, showing up is the whole thing or 100 percent of the job.  And, she’s doing her job.  She’s getting it done.  Also, if she doesn’t show up, nothing, will get done without her.

Then it dawned on me that most of us are experiencing Doing Nothing or having Nothing to Do or Just Nothing for the first time in a long time and for some, the first time in their lives. What to do when what to do, is nothing?
With that in mind it’s important to remember the wisdom handed down through the ages about Doing Nothing, Nothing to Do or Just Nothing.

“Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.”  Cool Hand Luke.

“I love to talk about nothing.  It is the only thing I know anything about.”  Oscar Wilde

“Who says nothing is impossible.  I’ve been doing nothing for years.”  Anonymous.

“The tough thing about doing nothing is, you never know when you’re finished.’  Kevin O’Keefe.

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Pro Bono Publico