We’ve been wondering about this for quite some time and it’s if Superman were alive today, he died in the last movie Superman vs Batman. But if he were alive today, would he have to wear a mask? Masks would not be much of a problem for Batman as he already wears one. So do a whole lot of other Super Heroes like Green Lantern, Flash and the Spider Man just to name a few. But Superman is invincible. Or well, we thought he was till they killed him off in the last movie. Truth be told though we kind of think he’ll be back. They’ll be some little something everyone missed. That’s the way it used to work in the Comic books. But if he is invincible, why would he need a mask? Invincible means he couldn’t get the Kung Flu and since he couldn’t get it, he couldn’t pass it on either. Sort of like a really good vaccine. So, we’ve kicked this around and could never get a consensus on it. So, we asked a few other people.
Dr. Fauci “Yes, Superman has to wear a mask.”
President Biden. “Hunh? Wah? Mask? I’m wearing my mask, I think. Yeah, it’s right here in my hand. Now take my wife... please.”
Alex Rodriquez. “Damn J-Lo just dumped me. This chick from Southern Charm is no J-Lo believe me. And, I didn’t even have sex with her. I mean I never even met her? We just did facetime. Why was I dumped? Superman? Who cares?”
Ex-Prince Harry. “Superman? Mask? You’re not asking about me or Meghan? That’s hard to believe. Is there anything but us? And, uh, this is a little embarrassing but do I get paid for this? I hate to ask that but Grand Mama has cut off my allowance.”
Governor Andew Cuomo. “Yes of course Superman has to wear the mask. And, he has to wash his hands and he has to safe distance same as everyone else. Hey, why are you the only person in this room? Where's my staff? Where did everyone go?”
We hope we cleared this up for you.
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