Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Once upon a time...  There was a world without Twitter.  No one wanted to buy it for 40 billion plus dollars.  No one spent 3 billion to buy up 9.2% of it to become its leading shareholder.  No one sent evil tweets.  No one was banned from it.  No one had even heard of it.  It didn't exist.  Somehow this world went on.  Where was this place?  Well it was right here, same place you're in now.  It was just 2006 and anytime in 2006 before July.  That's not so long ago.  We're not talking about going back to some golden era like Prohibition or WWII.  Even the Millennials, can remember 2006.

Here are some statistics.  There are 396.5 million Twitter users in this world.  But as we've learned some of them are fake.  Certain celebrities got caught buying up thousands of fake members so they could look more popular than they were.  206 million of all Twitter users, Tweet in a given day but 75% of them are not in the US of A.  That means 54 million Americans Tweet on a daily basis but that also means 276 million do not.  54 million is very close to the 53 million Americans who use illegal drugs.  Not that there is any relationship between the two numbers.  We just want to put the whole Twitter thing in perspective.  In short, if you've never used illegal drugs or never sent out a tweet, does it matter?

Now here are some tweets.  

'It's my birthday.  I have 382 followers can I get 400?'.  

'What is your favorite place you traveled to?'

'Do you believe that writing by hand improves the stories?'

And, we left the names out here to protect the innocent but on this next one you might guess, as this guy has been banned.  'Lock her up.'

But once again, if you never saw these, would it matter?

Now please do not perceive this article as some kind of a pejorative swipe at Twitter.  We love Twitter.  We're on Twitter.  In fact, you might be reading this via Twitter.  So, Vive le Twitter!  And, we hope as always that we gave you a few smiles and we hope we've added a little perspective  Maybe we've broadened the horizon a bit.  But once again, if you never saw this, would it matter?

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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