Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A Symbol For Our Time?

We've been discussing this for the last few weeks around here and it's what Amber Heard left in the bed for Johnny Depp to find, when he woke up.  We've been wondering if that little pile of human residue might stand for something.  Something more than just a little pile.  It has left an indelible image, as once seen, it can hardly be unseen. Maybe it's a symbol of the times we live in?  Maybe it's even iconic?

Take the Kung Flu... please.  Perhaps it should be the mask, as the symbol of what The Pandemic was all about.  But then after two years they told us that most of the masks we were all wearing didn't work.  We should have been wearing the NK95 mask.  All the rest, the paper ones that Surgeons wear on TV shows, the bandannas that made the wearer look like he was going to hold up the next Stagecoach and especially the cloth ones that most of us were wearing, as you could wash them and use them again, well... They just weren't up to par.  They didn't really offer any protection.  But then we had to keep wearing the masks, the paper ones, the bandannas and the cloth ones, none of which worked.  And, we've noticed lately that people are discarding the masks even though the case load is roaring along at 105,000 cases a day.  So the mask just wouldn't suffice, as a symbol of The Pandemic.  No, we're all coming around to the idea that the symbol of The Pandemic, should be what Amber left in the bed for Johnny, when he woke up. 

Take the price of a gallon of gasoline.  You could just take a picture of the sign at the gas station as the price keeps rising and it gets over $5.00 and say that says it all.  But does it really?  Does it measure all the exasperation, the pain and the anger as rising prices drain your wallet?  Not hardly.  Would a picture of Old Brains Biden with a caption 'What Me Worry' suffice?  No, the poor man's mind is gone.  He doesn't know.  No, the real symbol of The Great Gas Debacle of 2022 is more like what Amber left in the bed for Johnny, when he woke up. 

Maybe we should make a Poster or a Flag?  There's already an emoji for it. No, a statue.  Then it would really be iconic.  But no, people would object, protest and demonstrate, again. What could be more boring than that? No, maybe since the image is so indelible and once seen cannot be unseen, maybe all we need do is recall it, whenever and wherever it applies.

Dicen simile factum est 

Pro Bono Publico 

Friday, May 13, 2022

A Bad Week

Star crossed lovers Casey the murder suspect and Vicky the Jail Guard, took off on a Bonnie and Clyde type of jaunt after she helped him escape.  All manner of law enforcement were hot on their heels.  U.S. Marshalls finally caught up to them and ran their car off the road.  She then turned her gun on herself.

And, in Wallkill NY an NYPD Police officer tracked his wife and her 20 year old lover to a motel.  Then, after a wild car chase, he shot the 20 year old lover multiple times.  Then the Officer turned his gun on himself.  The wife was unharmed.  All in all, it was a bad week for love.

And Vladimir Putin was seen at the 77th Russian Victory Day over the Nazis Parade with a blanket over his lap.  This blanket seems to have some great significance to the Cognoscenti of The Known World, that escapes us.  They see ill health in that blanket, as if it was the Scythe of the Grim Reaper, who was coming to pick it and Vlad up later.  Not that Vlad is 70 years old and feels the cold a little more nowadays.  No, the rumors which emanate from The Cognoscenti themselves, are that Vlad has everything from Alzheimer's to Dementia (nothing new among world leaders today) to Parkinson's to Cancer.

And, the war in Ukraine isn't going so well for Vlad, as he's losing guys, tanks, planes and even ships.  Then they seized Vlad's 700 or 800 million dollar yacht and well, when was the last time Vlad had a good week?  Come to think about it when was the last time our President Old Brains, had a good week?

And and ex-staffer of John McCain who was a hero, and yes we have dropped to one knee and are genuflecting at the mention of his name, we always do, but this ex-staffer claims that John McCain who was a hero and yes we have dropped to one knee and are genuflecting as the mention of his name, we always do, but this ex-staffer says yes, he can confirm the rumor that John McCain had a long time affair with a lobbyist.  And, he sent government business her way.  And yes!  This aide goes on to say that John McCain also had ties to Vladimir Putin!  So will this tarnish the image of John McCain, hero?  Did he have a bad week too?  Only time will tell.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Thursday, May 5, 2022


Anyone besides us seem to notice that every few weeks there is a whole bunch of people just going WAAAA!!!  This last week someone leaked a future Supreme Court decision.  WAAAA!!!  Of course there is also a huge hue and cry over who leaked it WAAAA!!!!!  Why?  Was this going to be a state secret?  Something like the NOC list in the first Mission Impossible movie or the identities of British Secret Agents in the James Bond movie Skyfall?  Something who's contents are so secret that no one could ever know about them?  You know one of these things where if the contents become known, governments would topple and people would die?  So people found out now instead of when?  A few weeks from now?  WAAAA!!!!  There has been so much WAAAA!!!!! over this that everyone seems to have forgotten that Elon Musk bought Twitter.

And over there in Fairfax Virginia  actress Amber Heard is going WAAAA!!! as the defamation trial brought by her ex-husband Johnny Depp who went WAAAA!!! first, is going on.  No wait, she said WAAAA!!! first, as she said he beat her.  But he now says no, he didn't beat her, he only hit her.  So wait, maybe she went WAAAA!!! first.  That's why they call these things, he said, she said.  But because she said he beat her, he can't find work in Hollyweird to the tune of 50 million dollars, so WAAAA!!!  Poor babies.  And as the dirty laundry of their marriage spills out and we mean dirty, as he once woke up to find she took a dump in his bed, it sounds like they had a helluva marriage.

And some guy ran on stage and tackled comedian Dave Chappelle near the end of his show.  Chappelle got knocked down but he took the guy with him.  Then the guy got escorted backstage by ten guys.  The guy who might have been trying to audition for the NFL, later emerged on an ambulance gurney headed for the ER.  Looks like he got to go WAAAA!!! for real.  

But the moral of the story here is if you feel the urge to go WAAAA!!! maybe you want to count to ten first, or take a pill or a drink of some hard stuff.  Or go close the bedroom door and let it out in private.  But don't go WAAAA!!! out loud in public.  Have a little class.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico