A Florida man Oscar Salazar stabbed his wife Byanca to death in the middle of an argument. Then the man slit his own throat. Talk about getting the last word in.
And former NY Times editor James Bennet lashed out a Publisher AG Sulzberger for not having his back when the staff and the subscribers of the NY Times were outraged at him and his career went in the toilet. He had to resign. Why were they all outraged? Well Mr. Bennet let Senator Tom Cotton pen an Op-Ed on the pages of the NY Times. Mr. Bennett was only the editor. He didn't write anything, not a word. But he allowed Senator Cotton who was a republican of all things, to write on the hallowed editorial pages of the NY Times. We're not sure what happened to writing a letter to the Editor in response. But the powers that be at The NY Times seemed to have had the last word here. Bennet was driven to the cornfields over this, two years ago. But now, Bennett is back and letting it all hang out, even if it's two years later. In big bold letters of the the NY Post, Bennet said of AG Sulzberger "He set me on fire and threw me in the garbage."
Maybe Bennett is 'a has been' with his career in the rear view mirror but this only accentuates the importance, of getting the last word in. Maybe there's a book coming with a few more last words?
And Conor Kennedy Scion of the Kennedy family. BTW did you know what a Scion is? We didn't. We had to look it up which doesn't happen too often but it means 'a young twig or shoot of a plant'. And, it also means 'a descendant of a notable family'. Conor is the grandson of Bobby Kennedy. Get it now, Scion? You think maybe he's going to run for something?
But The Young Twig Conor just got back from fighting in the Ukraine or so he says. He didn't tell anyone he was going, as he didn't want anyone to worry. And, he didn't tell anyone who he was, when he got there. He didn't want to be treated any differently. Like the Ukrainians might know or give two bleeps. And The Young Twig Conor said he had "no prior military training but he could carry heavy things and he was willing to die for Ukraine". He's back now, so that last part didn't happen. And, we're guessing he came back so he could get the last word in. We mean, if he died in Ukraine who would do that for him, since no one knew he was there and the Ukrainians didn't know who he was? And, how could he run for office if, he was dead? Vote? Yes. Run? We're not so sure.
And yeah that's a picture of Taylor Swift at the head of this article. The Young Twig Conor used to date her and we figured you'd rather look at her than some anonymous murder/suicide guy or a washed up ex-Editor of the NY Times or even a shot of The Young Twig himself.
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