Friday, November 18, 2022

Election Reflections

On Tuesday November 8, 2022 voters elected Tony De Luca to the U. S. House of Representatives in Pennsylvania and Barbara Cooper to the State House of Tennessee.  Then in Chula Vista California, Simon Silva, was leading in the race for City Attorney.  You may wonder why we take note of these three candidates when so many others were running?  And, the answer is, they were all dead, on Tuesday November 8, 2022.  Now, inquiring minds might wonder who would vote for a dead candidate?  Why dead voters, of course.

And, we still can't find out who won that election out in Chula Vista but does it matter?

And, Ron DeSantis crushed his opponent in the race for Governor of Florida.  And rumblings of DeSantis for President began shake the Political Arena from all corners of the The Mass Hysteria and even in certain quarters of the GOP.  Of course this would put DeSantis and Trump on a head to head collision course for the Republican nomination.  We can imagine the entire Political World shaking to its core.  And, we think this would be the biggest thing since John Cena took on Randy Orton in the WWE.  The WWE is World Wrestling Entertainment.  Of course, after a bunch of vicious Primary battles, and after the entire Political World has been shaken to its core, both candidates just might decide to run together.  One, as President and the other, as Vice President.  In which case, this would become the biggest thing since Dwayne The Rock Johnson came out of retirement and teamed up with John Cena, to take on The Miz and R-Truth in the WWE.

As we went to press, there were 6 Congressional districts where they are still counting the votes.  Back in the 1800's Americans could count up all the votes and know who won, when the Sun came up in the morning.  In the 1900's even though the population had grown in leaps and bounds Americans again, could count up all the votes by sunrise.  But now in the 21st Century, even with computers, the counting of votes, eludes us.  

Maybe it's the result of the poor education system in America.  Maybe the knowledge of how to count will disappear the same way the knowledge of how the hell did they build those pyramids, was taken to the grave, with the ancient Egyptians and Mesoamericans.  Maybe democracy doesn't die because this or that candidate gets elected or The Supreme Court gets something woefully wrong.  Maybe this whole thing disappears not like the ancient Greek and Romans, because of some fatal flaw or slow moral decline but just because, we couldn't count.

Dicens simile factum est 

Pro Bono Publico


  1. Almost everybody in our neighborhood could count. Thats because we were mostly all ballplayers and gamblers. Degenerate mathematicians could handicap the 4th at the Big A better than most guys that I have sat on trading desks could analyze the market. Forget about dems and republicans, let the bookies run the country and we will be better off

  2. Most people have no idea who closely sports and gambling are connected. The Bookies could cut the budge in half and I'd much rather listen to them than the clowns and con artists we refer to as Politicians.
