Who are the worst people in America? You might be thinking serial killers, drug dealers, organized crime figures or even slumlords but no. The worst people in America, could be the ones running for office. If you don't believe us, just watch the commercials. The people running for office have voted for all manner of evil and they want to take away your rights. Which rights you might ask? Well, whatever you got. What can you do? Well vote for the other guy of course. But if you wait a little while, the next set commercials will come on telling you the other guy is not much better, maybe even worse. What can you do? Who knows? Not us. Good luck at the polls.
And Donald John Trump former President of the United States just took the Republican New Hampshire primary, Can anyone stop the The Beast or is he an unstoppable Juggernaut that will crush his only remaining opponent Niki Haley in the ensuing primaries? Will he win the election in a landslide with his supporters weeping with joy and his detractors gnashing their teeth once again? Will he have to take the oath of office from a jail cell? Or will all the cases against him, just fall apart? Who knows? Not us. Good luck at the polls.
And who will win the Super Bowl? Teams look unstoppable till they are not. See the Cowboys and the Packers. At which point the fans, sometimes the owner and the Cognoscenti of the sports world, want players, coaches, head coaches or coordinators fired, if not tarred feathered and run out of town on a rail. There is much gnashing of teeth. Maybe as much if not more than there might be if Donald John Trump gets elected again. There are no votes here, so don't worry about going to the polls. But there are points. So good luck with the spread, the over/under, the first, second, third quarter score and how long it takes Reba McEntire to sing the National Anthem.
Also watch out for the Officials. Those are the guys in the black and white stripped shirts. They can throw a flag and call a penalty on just about any play. They can cause one team to score or not. They can ruin whichever or whatever way you bet. They can take the money right out of your pocket. And, they are the absolute, worse people in America.
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