Monday, April 29, 2024

The Tough Questions

Since we go where the rest of the media fears to tread, we have to ask the tough questions that no one else is asking right now.  Donald John Trump former President of The United States is on trial facing 34 felony counts in New York.  If there's an acquittal or a hung jury, then he can keep running for President.  If he's found guilty, he will probably appeal and the question will be, can he still be released on bond while he waits to hear about his appeal.  If so, he can still run for President.  But with what's gone on with this Judge, we don't think so.

So, tough question number 1.  If he's in jail can he still run for President?  Well since this has never happened before there is no simple yes or no.  It's up to the Republican Party.  Will they still let him run or select another nominee?  Political parties can pick whoever they want, however they want.  Voting in primaries is just a lot of hoopla to get people excited.  Any democrat knows this, especially Bernie Sanders.

So, tough question number 2.  Can he run for President from a jail cell?  Since we live in a world of virtual just about anything and everything, why not campaigning from his jail cell?

But this leads to tough question number 3.  If elected, can he serve as President from his jail cell?  Well The Covid Thing had most anyone with a computer working from home, so again, why not?  Of course they will have to make accommodations for the Secret Service, the Football with all the Nuclear Bomb codes and a whole lot of communications but most Presidents have a Summer White House that they use to get away from the Swamp that is Washington D.C.  LBJ had his ranch in Texas as did W.  And JFK had one in Hyannis Port, so Trump can have his in Ossining, or Greenhaven.  Now Ossining is usually referred to as Sing Sing, so you probably heard of it but both are in upstate New York, a nice place for a Summer White House.

Of course we addressed this issue back in August of 2023 when all the indictments began to pile up and we thought of exile.  But that was only with Trump as a former President, not a current candidate or actual President.  We had him going to the U.A.E., Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.  Some place where a guy with a few billion would be treated like a King or an Emir.  But now, if elected President and a convict, could he be a President in Exile?  He'd be outside the reach of the law, as these countries could just refuse extradition and The President in Exile, could just work from his laptop.  So, why not?

But this leads us to tough question number 4.  Can the President in Exile use a virtual pen or would they have to Fedex the things he has to sign and then everyone has to wait.  And this is the most important question because when a President signs his name, a whole lot of people get paid.  And people get antsy when they have to wait for their money.  They might impeach him.

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Pro Bono Publico

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Real Reason Is...

A man self immolated himself right outside the courthouse where Donald John Trump former President of The Unites States was about to go on trial.  The Mass Hysteria complete with the Talking Heads and The Cognoscenti Of The Known World will try to tell you that it's either Trump's fault or Biden's.  This they can do with ease, as the guy had a sign that blamed both of them.  It read 


He also left a manifesto complaining of a worldwide fascist plot to take over the world.  But we know the real reason.  The rent is too damn high.  Housing Court is right around the corner from the Trump trial.  Maybe we need a sign too.


Have you checked the rental listings in Manhattan lately?  Besides all good Fascists Coup Conspiracy Theorists know, the Coup begins with the rent being too damn high.

And speaking of Coups, Woody Allen if you remember him, has made a movie called Coup de Chance which means stroke of luck in French.  The movie is in French and we wonder how Woody did that since he grew up in Brooklyn.  Woody if you remember was the darling of Hollyweird way back when.  His movies won Academy awards and he was considered a cinematic genius.  But that all went down the tubes, when he decided to have an affair and then marry the adopted daughter of his long time girlfriend, Mia Farrow.  Her name in case you forgot is Soon Yi.  He wasn't just old enough to be Soon Yi's father but her grandfather too.

This was followed by accusations, never proven that Woody had sex with another of Mia's adopted daughters, way before she reached the age of consent.  Woody kept making movies but his audience kept shrinking, till no one pays much attention to his movies anymore.  It's been a slow death.  Now this  long term demise could be due to his amorous misadventures or he could just be getting old and losing his touch.  The guy is closing in on 90.  Then again, it could be because he's lived most of his adult life in Manhattan, where as you now know, the rent is too damn high!

And while this is not a Coup, it might as well be.  The House and now the Senate will vote to force the owner of Tik Tok to divest or sell.  Why?  Well it seems that there are all kinds of fake news and hateful stuff on Tik Tok.  How the Congress differentiates between what happens on Tik Tok, from the rest of what goes on in The Fog, we're not sure.  But that's the rationale or so they say.  And we're pretty sure they'll keep saying that.  But we're pretty sure that the clock began ticking for Tik Tok's eventual demise back  on February 16, 2023.  That pun was not intended.  But 2/16/23 was the day Tik Tok moved it's offices into the H&M building on 151 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y..

Do we have to spell it out for you?  Okay, okay.  That's midtown Manhattan and...


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Pro Bono Publico

Sunday, April 14, 2024

O.J And Sammy The Bull

O.J. passed away and we got another glimpse of the whole Brouhaha all over again, complete with replays of the slow car chase that seemed to take forever and was the single most watched event in the history of T.V..  Every channel decided to put it on the air, so if your T.V. was on, it was the only thing you could see.  You may have wondered why none of the many black and white L.A. patrol cars trailing behind the infamous white Bronco, didn't just pull him over?  Well they were all on T.V.  Why spoil a good thing?

And news of his death brought about much gnashing of teeth once again, as people recalled the year long trial with the parade of witnesses and the not guilty verdict.  

All of which brings us to Sammy The Bull Gravano.  O.J. if he did it, yes we're co-opting the title of the book that he was going to write in an attempt to cash in on the whole Brouhaha, so if we get any money out of this article above our expenses, will share it with his kids.  No wait, guess we'd have to share it with the Brown/Goldman crew, who managed to win a civil case for wrongful death against him but not collect too much money.  But if O.J. did it, he would have killed 2 people.  Sammy The Bull Gravano killed 19 people.  There never seems to ever, be, too much gnashing of teeth over that and no wrongful death suits brought against him either.  Guess the families of his victims knew it wasn't such a hot idea to try and get any money out of him.  And, one of those families was his own, as one of the guys he whacked, was his brother-in-law.  And, while O.J. has been the subject of much scorn and ignominy, Sammy The Bull, has his own Podcast.  It's called "Our Thing".  Sammy is cashing in.  And while O.J. was looking at Life in Prison if convicted, Sammy got a complete walk.

While the O.J. trial dragged on for a year, Sammy didn't even go to trial.  While O.J. and a lot of his supporters claimed he was innocent, Sammy said no such thing and was never, even, tried.  He admitted it all in a plea deal because the Feds wanted his Boss John Gotti so bad, they let him walk.

So you maybe wondering what is the difference?  Okay, okay 17.  That's for all you wise guys out there.  But we think it's the dead, blond model, Nicole Brown Simpson, pictured above.  And, if you want make someone dead in America, well take your shot, just don't make the blond model, dead.

We're pretty sure if  O.J.'s first wife had been found stabbed to death, a middle aged black woman at the time, the media, the L.A. Police and the L.A. Prosecutors would not have given two bleeps.  Even if O.J. did it.  Oops there we used his title again.  We'll definitely send something, if we get something.  And the Brown/Goldman crew might get more out of us, than they did out of O.J..  But if O.J.'s first wife had been murdered, there might not have been an arrest or even a trial but if there had been, complete with a guilty verdict, you wouldn't have heard, nor seen, much of it.

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Pro Bono Publico

Thursday, April 11, 2024


For those of you wondering about the earthquake in New York City, we didn't feel a thing.  We're not saying that it's fake news just that we didn't feel a thing and can't find too many people who did.  If you watch the WWTMSM aka as What Was The Main Stream Media, you saw New Yorkers who were interviewed on the street saying things like.  "I thought it was the guys working on the building across the way."  Or "I thought the elevator stalled for a few seconds."  These things were said after the people on the street were told there had been an earthquake.  We're not saying that their first impressions were correct, just that we didn't feel a thing.,

Now there was a guy in Jersey with a camera that was pointed at the New York City Skyline and you could see it all shaking.  That was supposed to be the camera shaking, we think, not the NYC Skyline.  And we're not saying someone would just shake a camera but up in the Bronx one of the Yankees was taking batting practice at the same moment and he didn't miss a swing.

And talk about earthquakes, some think there is a major one brewing out of L.A. Florida and New York as there are supposedly videos of big time Rap artists, Singers, Actors, Celebrities, Politicians and some say even Preachers caught in flagrante delicto by the secret cameras of one P. Diddy.  Of course there are always rumors of these things, black books, client lists, secret videos of famous people having illicit sex and once everyone sees this, it will bring about the shocks of magnitude and aftershocks too.  

But then these things never seem to find the light of day.  Unless you're still waiting to see Jeffrey Epstein's client list  But even if they do and there really are Rap artists, Singers, Actors, Celebrities, Politicians and even Preachers caught in the act.  They will all just fade away into the recesses of The Fog, along with Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, Matt Lauer, Charlie cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Now wait, there might be someone in this latest imbroglio that you actually like.  If the story breaks on a Monday, you'll feel bad on Monday.  But then you have a job, a family, friends, other things to do and by Tuesday you'll be busy with the real things, in your real life.  Okay, okay maybe it's somebody who's albums and or movies you really liked.  You might feel bad on Tuesday too.  But by Wednesday, you won't feel a thing.

It's not like we'll be losing Cardio Vascular Surgeons or Doctors, Dentists, Therapists of all kinds, Nurses, Medical Assistants, Teachers, Firefighters, EMS, Police Officers or the many other people, who do things of real value.  You know, people we really need.

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Pro Bono Publico

Thursday, April 4, 2024


As the accusations accumulate about P. Diddy, Puff Daddy, Diddy, Brother Love. Love, oh these are all the same guy whose real name is Sean Combs, we started to wonder if this case might get bigger than O.J..   We mean you have all these charges and all these characters and then we realized that the only thing missing, is a dead, blond model.  If you remember Nicole Brown Simpson.  That would get the Mass Hysteria into hyper hysteria and then P. Diddy, Diddy, Puff Daddy, Brother Love, Love, Sean Combs, would be bigger than O.J.

And with all the travails that Fani Willis, Fulton County,  Attorney General is facing, we're wondering if she's going to wind up like other Attorneys who went after Donald John Trump, former President of the United States.  Attorneys like Michael Cohen and Michael Avenetti both of whom wound up in prison.  Maybe there's a Curse here.  Sort of like the Curse of King Tut that said whoever opened his tomb would die and the guys who opened it, did.  Or the Curse of the Billy Goat that kept the Chicago Cubs from winning a World Series for 108 years.  Fani is being investigated by the Georgia State Legislature and the Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives.  Maybe there's a Curse of Donald John Trump, former President of the United States, where you go from being a member of the BAR to being behind a bunch of them.

As we flipped through our cable tv channels we've noticed this oddity.  There are these reruns of old tv shows that are on all the time and on multiple channels too.  Shows like 'Two And A Half Men'.  It's got to be on three or four different channels all day, everyday.  Then there's 'Last Man Standing', that's on three or four channels all day, everyday.  There's got to be a dozen of these shows, maybe more.  We just have to wonder who is watching these things?  I mean the shows have all been cancelled years or even decades ago.  Their casts have all drifted away or gone on to bigger and better things.  In some of the older ones like 'The Andy Griffith Show' almost everyone in the cast has gone on to that great TV channel in the sky but the shows keep running.  Okay, okay some of these shows were on for over 20 years so there's a lot of episodes but sooner or later, each episode had to have been shown at least 50 or maybe even a 100 times and yet...   They keep showing them!  Who's watching?  If anyone knows, leave the answer in the comments section.  Puhleezee!

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