Since we go where the rest of the media fears to tread, we have to ask the tough questions that no one else is asking right now. Donald John Trump former President of The United States is on trial facing 34 felony counts in New York. If there's an acquittal or a hung jury, then he can keep running for President. If he's found guilty, he will probably appeal and the question will be, can he still be released on bond while he waits to hear about his appeal. If so, he can still run for President. But with what's gone on with this Judge, we don't think so.
So, tough question number 1. If he's in jail can he still run for President? Well since this has never happened before there is no simple yes or no. It's up to the Republican Party. Will they still let him run or select another nominee? Political parties can pick whoever they want, however they want. Voting in primaries is just a lot of hoopla to get people excited. Any democrat knows this, especially Bernie Sanders.
So, tough question number 2. Can he run for President from a jail cell? Since we live in a world of virtual just about anything and everything, why not campaigning from his jail cell?
But this leads to tough question number 3. If elected, can he serve as President from his jail cell? Well The Covid Thing had most anyone with a computer working from home, so again, why not? Of course they will have to make accommodations for the Secret Service, the Football with all the Nuclear Bomb codes and a whole lot of communications but most Presidents have a Summer White House that they use to get away from the Swamp that is Washington D.C. LBJ had his ranch in Texas as did W. And JFK had one in Hyannis Port, so Trump can have his in Ossining, or Greenhaven. Now Ossining is usually referred to as Sing Sing, so you probably heard of it but both are in upstate New York, a nice place for a Summer White House.
Of course we addressed this issue back in August of 2023 when all the indictments began to pile up and we thought of exile. But that was only with Trump as a former President, not a current candidate or actual President. We had him going to the U.A.E., Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. Some place where a guy with a few billion would be treated like a King or an Emir. But now, if elected President and a convict, could he be a President in Exile? He'd be outside the reach of the law, as these countries could just refuse extradition and The President in Exile, could just work from his laptop. So, why not?
But this leads us to tough question number 4. Can the President in Exile use a virtual pen or would they have to Fedex the things he has to sign and then everyone has to wait. And this is the most important question because when a President signs his name, a whole lot of people get paid. And people get antsy when they have to wait for their money. They might impeach him.
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