Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Real Reason Is...

A man self immolated himself right outside the courthouse where Donald John Trump former President of The Unites States was about to go on trial.  The Mass Hysteria complete with the Talking Heads and The Cognoscenti Of The Known World will try to tell you that it's either Trump's fault or Biden's.  This they can do with ease, as the guy had a sign that blamed both of them.  It read 


He also left a manifesto complaining of a worldwide fascist plot to take over the world.  But we know the real reason.  The rent is too damn high.  Housing Court is right around the corner from the Trump trial.  Maybe we need a sign too.


Have you checked the rental listings in Manhattan lately?  Besides all good Fascists Coup Conspiracy Theorists know, the Coup begins with the rent being too damn high.

And speaking of Coups, Woody Allen if you remember him, has made a movie called Coup de Chance which means stroke of luck in French.  The movie is in French and we wonder how Woody did that since he grew up in Brooklyn.  Woody if you remember was the darling of Hollyweird way back when.  His movies won Academy awards and he was considered a cinematic genius.  But that all went down the tubes, when he decided to have an affair and then marry the adopted daughter of his long time girlfriend, Mia Farrow.  Her name in case you forgot is Soon Yi.  He wasn't just old enough to be Soon Yi's father but her grandfather too.

This was followed by accusations, never proven that Woody had sex with another of Mia's adopted daughters, way before she reached the age of consent.  Woody kept making movies but his audience kept shrinking, till no one pays much attention to his movies anymore.  It's been a slow death.  Now this  long term demise could be due to his amorous misadventures or he could just be getting old and losing his touch.  The guy is closing in on 90.  Then again, it could be because he's lived most of his adult life in Manhattan, where as you now know, the rent is too damn high!

And while this is not a Coup, it might as well be.  The House and now the Senate will vote to force the owner of Tik Tok to divest or sell.  Why?  Well it seems that there are all kinds of fake news and hateful stuff on Tik Tok.  How the Congress differentiates between what happens on Tik Tok, from the rest of what goes on in The Fog, we're not sure.  But that's the rationale or so they say.  And we're pretty sure they'll keep saying that.  But we're pretty sure that the clock began ticking for Tik Tok's eventual demise back  on February 16, 2023.  That pun was not intended.  But 2/16/23 was the day Tik Tok moved it's offices into the H&M building on 151 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y..

Do we have to spell it out for you?  Okay, okay.  That's midtown Manhattan and...


 Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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