A few irregularities seem to have propped up from last week's election. In 2020 Joe Biden got over 81million votes. Kamala Harris in 2024 got 71 million votes. That's 10 million fewer votes. Where did those people go? That's a lot of people. They didn't vote for Trump, as he got 74 million plus in 2020 and got pretty much the same in 2024.
We can't believe with the election being in the news 24/7 and with every nitwit celebrity telling us to "Vote" every 2 minutes that people forgot. Plus you could vote early, weeks early. And, the weather wasn't bad. Where did all those people go? And, why is no one asking this question, except us?
Now way back in 2004 they said the election was stolen. What? Well at least that's why a whole lot of people were saying, as they kept counting the votes over and over again, in Florida. This went on for weeks. Then in 2016, The Russians stole the election. How? No one could quite put a finger on it but this went on for years. Then in 2020 the election was rigged. That's not so long ago that anyone should forget. But now in 2024? Well no one and we mean no one, has even hinted at any impropriates. Did they get it all fixed? How? When? Where? And why are we the only ones asking?
And, once again the polls were wrong. They had Kamala Harris leading and winning in a close election. Where did that election take place? Certainly not in the United States of America. Maybe they had another one, somewhere. Maybe in a computer game or some AI concoction. Maybe on a Reality Show. Why would anyone with any common sense or shred of credibility, ever consult or even mention one of these things ever again? But they will. Probably are right now. And, they wonder why no one trusts the What Once Was The Main Stream Media. Exeunt.
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