Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Don't Get Your Hopes Up Too High

Ghislaine Maxwell Filed Several Documents Just Before Arrest | Law ...

Ghislaine Maxwell ex-cohort, ex-lover and ex-pimp some say, of the late Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested.  And, she is going to name, names!  Or so the Mass Hysteria tells us so.  What names you ask.  Well names like Prince Andrew of the British Royal family, Bill Clinton former President and known affectionately around here as HisBubbaness and Alan Dershowitz famed Attorney and Harvard Law Professor.  Oh wait, we just named them.  Ooops! 

Oh well, not to worry as no one is going to get indicted or convicted based on what we print here or what anyone prints anywhere else.  And there’s the rub.  Just printing names in a news outlet or online neither indicts or convicts anyone of anything.  Just as having a phone number on someone else’s phone or being at some banquet and taking a picture with them, won’t get the job done either.  To convict someone of a crime you have to prove the crime took place and they did it.  Juries have been known to be kind of particular about those things.  Right about now, all Ghislaine seems to be able to do, is convict herself.  Of course, there will be the book, and the movie ‘I Was Jeffrey Epstein’s Lover, Slave and Pimp The, Ghislaine Maxwell Story’ and that will be delicious.  Just don’t get your hopes too high about indictments or convictions.  

Now those on the far left or the alt left, don’t get your hopes up too high about a revolution coming anytime soon.  We know that the watered-down Marxism you were taught, told you that tension between the classes, that is the oppressors and the oppressed, creates change in society.  However, if you look a little closer in the history books, you’ll see that revolutions, like the French revolution or the Granddaddy of them all to you guys, the Russian revolution, happened because people were starving not because they all got woke.  So sorry guys, it doesn’t matter how many statues you topple, America has a problem with obesity, not starvation.  So, the revolution, well it just ain’t happening.  Not unless you figure out how to get Americans away from Mickey D’s, KFC, Burger King and Dairy Queen.  Even the Kung Flu couldn’t keep American’s away from Mickey D’s, KFC, Burger King and Dairy Queen. 

And, there is going to be baseball!  Opening day will be July 23rd, so long as not too many people get sick before then.  But don’t get your hopes up too high, as there will be either no one in the seats or they’ll be social distancing and the ballpark will be almost empty.  All the sounds that you associate with the game like the roar of the crowd, will just be a faint echo of what they used to be.  And, the season will only be 60 games so when it’s over, the question will be, did the best team win?  Did the best team even get in the playoffs?  The whole season may seem anti-climactic and even hollow.  The only silver lining for us, is one of our favorite guys Kyle Home Run Higashioka of our beloved Yankees, is no longer the third string catcher but the backup catcher or number 2 guy.  This means he’ll play on a somewhat regular basis.  And, we call him Kyle Home Run Higashioka, because three of his first four hits in the major leagues, were home runs!  Not too many guys have ever done that.  Now If Kyle Home Run Higashioka could just get a hundred at bats, in a short season, well maybe, just maybe, he could win the home run title and be Home Run Higashioka to everyone.  And, that would certainly lift our hearts in this, The Year of the Kung Flu.   

Yeah, yeah, we know, we know, the title says it and we’ve been telling everyone including revolutionaries not to get their hopes up too high and look what we’re hoping for.  Guess we have to chalk it up to baseball, where hope always springs eternal, even without spring training. 

Dicens simile factum est 
 Pro Bono Publico 

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