Saturday, August 21, 2021

Morte Cuomo

As Cuomo the Younger, shuffles off into the dusky light of a setting sun that is his career, he leaves not only his name Andrew Cuomo in the dust but an entire legacy forever tarnished with the shadowy images of sexual misconduct.  And, this is not just the end of a man but a name, a name that was Cuomo.

Mario Cuomo, Cuomo the Elder came out of nowhere.  He was the son of Italian immigrants and his fiery rhetoric lifted him from an unknown lawyer defending the rights of Junk Yard dealers in Queens to the Governor’s Mansion in Albany.  

And there he sat Cuomo the First, Cuomo the Elder contemplating the almost unthinkable for this son of immigrants... a run for the Presidency!  And, he sat and he contemplated like some modern-day Hamlet.  Should he, “take arms against a sea of troubles..." or " sleep, perchance to dream.”  Alas, the answer was neither.  He just never ran for President.  But in his “apprehension how like a God” was he.  But that’s all over now.  The name Cuomo will be forever linked to female body parts touched, fondled and groped.  This is the tale of a man Andrew Cuomo, Cuomo the Younger, a man who loved not too wisely or too well but rather a man, who pursued his passion without consent.

Once greatness called for both the Cuomo the Elder and Cuomo fils.  And, there were no doubts for Cuomo The Younger, no Hamlet he.  Andrew was going to run for the Presidency as sure as God made little green apples.  And now, in the dusk of that once great career, ignominy awaits.  The name Cuomo to be linked with Clinton, Franken and Weiner in the hall of the failed, the forgotten and the better off, never spoken of.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico


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