Tuesday, February 8, 2022

One Night In Bangkok

Like the song goes.  "One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble.'
Can't be too careful with your company'.

Seems that Whoopie Goldberg made a faux pas the other day.  She crossed over that imaginary line between "light and shadow, science and superstition, things and ideas, she crossed into" and then she got whisked away to the cornfields for two weeks.  Of course in the old Twilight Zone, no one every returned from the cornfields,  It was that "undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns."  But in the Twilight Zone that seems to be the world we live in today, maybe it's possible.  Then she can tell us just how unbearable not being on TV or having a microphone to rant into every day, is.  Also, losing the $93,000 a week.  That had to be tough.

And, we kind of get it.  She denigrated the Holocaust by pretty much saying that it was just a bunch of white people killing each other.  Yeah that's nasty.  We get it.  But saying angry and nasty things is what they do on that TV show The View, everyday.  It's what makes The View, The View.  So, Whoopie just has to be wondering...  Why me?  Now maybe, if she'd a just said the Holocaust was like Trump and his supporters killing each other, she'd a been okay.

Then over there at the Crumbling News Network aka CNN, the tough guys are tumbling so fast and furious it's hard to keep track of them.  First it was Andrew Cuomo who didn't actually work there but his brother did and he could be on that channel anytime he wanted.  We don't want to go over all the sexual harassment allegations leveled against Andrew Cuomo.  They are too numerous to mention.  But the next to tumble was his brother Chris, aka Fredo Cuomo, who did work there.  Why was he tumbled?  He violated journalistic ethics!  How?  By helping his brother fight off all those sexual harassment allegations, too numerous to mention.  We know, we know, you didn't think CNN had any ethics.  Neither did we.  But this Fredo actually helped his brother and got sh*t canned in the process.  Boo hoo.

BTW all the all the allegations, leveled at Andrew Cuomo too numerous to mention, have been dropped.  We wonder how that made the victims feel?  But we digress.  This poor Fredo, is also losing out out on the $18,000,000.00 that was left on his contract.  And, that has to be tough.

Next up were two producers over at the Crumbling News Network who are in various stages of being prosecuted for Pedophilia.  Whoa!  And, you don't need to check the journalist ethics rulebook for that one.  It's in the Penal Code.  But then Jeff Zucker, The President of CNN, The Head Honcho, got the boot!  Why?  Seems he and another employee were having a relationship and neither of them, reported it.  Now they're both single and over the age of consent, so I'm sure the people at CNN breathed a sigh of relief.  And, some people are even wondering what's the BFG!  But if you put your girlfriend up for a raise or promotion and people know she's your girlfriend, she probably won't get it.  That's why you would try to keep it on the down low.  That's not journalistic ethics, rearing its ugly head again.  That's just business.  Just like the song says.  "Can't be too careful with your company."  You don't want to tumble do you?

Dicens simile factum est
Pro Bono Publico

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