Monday, February 20, 2023

Quiz Time!

Every once in a while we like to have a quiz, just to see if everyone is paying attention.  So, here goes.

1. China sending spy balloons over the United States was a stupid thing for them to do because..

A. They already have satellites and satellites do a much better job.

B. They could have used Google Maps that already have very detailed images of the same areas.

C. There are better ways to drop off, take out menus.

D. All of the above.

E. A and B.

2. President Old Brains did not order the Communist China balloon to be shot down because.

A. He still thinks he's a Senator from Delaware and had no idea he could.

B. He was told he couldn't and thinking he was just the Vice President, he thought that made sense.

C. He thought it might hit somebody when it came down.

D. He went into the Situation Room deep in the bowels of the White House to order the balloon to be shot down but when he walked into that room, he forgot why he was there.

E.  None of the above.

F. All of the above.

3. Alex Murdaugh is on trial for

A. Absconding with Church funds.

B. He was the leader of the J6 cabal.

C. Murdering his son and wife.

D. Making balloons for Communist China.

E. All of the above.

F. None of the above.

4. Alex Murdaugh is innocent because.

A. As some Defense Attorney's have said, on the many TV shows and websites that are covering this, why would he do this?

B. He has an alibi.

C. There was no blood on his clothes.

D. He's not.  

Answers.  For every correct answer give yourself 25 points.

Question 1.  The correct answer is A and B.  If you picked C that one has been in the news a lot.  We didn't print that here as we think it's a little xenophobic but you may have read that more than once.  So, if you picked C, give yourself 5 points.  And, it's funny.

Question 2. Now this one is tough because Old Brains has referred to himself more than a few times as the Senator from Delaware and the Vice President when he is the President.  He also said recently that when they announce "The President of The United States", he looks around thinking where is that guy?  So, both A and B would be correct.  He also said C, so that would be correct.  And, he obviously has senior moments, so D could be correct.  And, the real problem is the whole decision process here, would be marked classified and all the records will be filled away for fifty years.  So, unless we can gain access to Old Brains garage or bathroom, there is no way to know which answer is correct.  So, as long as you picked an answer give yourself 25 points.  If you left this blank, go back and fill it in and give yourself 25 points.

Question 3.  The correct answer is C and if you missed this one, you must be living under a rock.

Question 4. Anytime someone says.  "Why would I do that?"  It means they did it.  So, when defense attorneys starting asking.  "Why would he do it?"  It means, they know he did it.  Alex Murdaugh's alibi is falling apart, as the trial progresses.  When you shoot someone with a rifle you're usually more than a few feet away.  That's the whole idea of using a rifle.  So, why anyone would think the shooter would have blood all over him, is a mystery.  So, the correct answer is D.  He did it.

If you got a 100, you're a winner!  We intended to send all the winners a voucher for a full tank of gas but inflation being what it is and the price of gas being what it is and the economy being what it is, we really can't afford to.  But you have our congratulations and the knowledge that you really know what's going on in this world.  Take a bow.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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