Friday, May 26, 2023


"If you're looking for trouble.  You came to the right place.  If you're looking for trouble.  Take a look right at my face." 

So sang Elvis back in 1958 with music and lyrics by Lieber and Stoller.  And, that seems to be the theme song that is breaking out all over the place.  As you can see in the picture above a former College Professor is holding a machete to the neck of a intrepid NY Post Reporter.  What had that Reporter done?  He had asked her about a now viral video where said former Professor had been caught, ranting and raving at some of her former students over the abortion thing.  Lucky for those students the former Professor didn't have her machete with her when she went on that rant.  And, we say former Professor and her former students, as the College she worked for Hunter College, fired her. 

Picking up the baton next is Tom Hanks pictured right above.  As you can see that guy with Tom Hank's finger in his face must have said or did something.  Tom in turn gave him the "if you're looking for trouble, look right at my face", question.  

And, Tom Hanks is the guy who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 'Saving Private Ryan', sunk German submarines in 'Greyhound' and took out the Mob in 'Road To Perdition'.  And Tom Hanks had to be the kind of guy that Lieber and Stoller had in mind, when they warned "don't you mess around with me".

And carrying that baton over the finish line is this guy.  

That's James Holzhauer newly crowned Jeopardy Masters Champion.  If you go up against this guy, you lose.  When he hits the Daily Double he bets all his chips.  Then he gets the question right and the game is over even if it's early in Double Jeopardy or just late in Single Jeopardy.  He just has so much money at that point that you can't catch him.  And, you're left on that stage in the Alex Trebeck studio writhing in agony for the remainder of the show, as the answers click off and even Final Jeopardy can't save you, as he just has too much dough.  Look at that face.  That's Holzhauer going all in.  And, that's the line "because I'm evil.  My middle name is misery."

Here are the lyrics and you can see how it's just breaking out all over.

If you're looking for troubleYou came to the right placeIf you're looking for troubleTake a look right at my faceI was born standing upAnd talking backMy daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack'Cause I'm evil, my middle name is miseryWell, I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me

Dicens simle factum est

Pro Bono Publco

Friday, May 19, 2023

Democracy Is Dead

Can we all just agree if for no other purpose that we don't have to read another article on the subject, that democracy is dead.  How many articles have to be written about something being dead, before we can all just agree that it is dead?  This shouldn't be so hard.  Lets say after 1,000 articles about how something is dead, it's dead.  Okay if that's not enough, how about a5,000?  I think we've all passed that point a while ago and if not, at least in the last year or so.  So all together now, democracy is dead!

Of course those of you who are familiar with the Constitution of the United States, know that there never was a democracy and therefore since it never existed it can't really die but why get nit-picky about the matter.  One more time, democracy is dead!

What does this mean?  Can you go to work tomorrow?  School?  The beach, the movies bowling?  Can you log on to your computer?  Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and of course yes!  According to a lot of the Talking Heads and The Cognoscenti of The Known World, democracy died quite a while ago and you've been doing all these things anyway, so keep it up.  It will help the economy.

When exactly did democracy die?  It could have been the Hayes/Tilden Presidential election of 1876.  Or it could have been the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.  Or it could have been the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1917.  Or it could have been the 2000 Presidential election or the 2016 one or the 2020 one.  Or it could have happened after one of the many Supreme Court decisions that were handed down by the Nine Pointy Headed Wonders Of The Known World.  But regardless of where or when, we think that everyone can clearly see and more importantly agree, that democracy is dead.  It's time to move on.

Dicens simile factum est.

Pro Bono Publico

Sunday, May 14, 2023

"The CIA Killed My Uncle"

That quote in the title is not attributed to anyone here but rather RFK Jr. pictured above.  But wait, someone here's uncle wound up in the trunk of his car with two bullet holes in his head.  The authorities labeled it a suicide.  Now the second bullet and him being in the trunk of the car kind of put some doubt on the suicide angle.  But then some people said it was Mob related.  But the uncle was an accountant for the Department of Defense and well he didn't owe money or anything so...  Then someone else here's Grandmother disappeared a few decades ago but she worked for the Department of the Interior not the CIA or the FBI or the NSA or so they said.  She used to travel to Europe, Asia and even Cuba which didn't seem to have anything to do with the Dept. of the Interior.  No body was ever found and some people say it was an Alien abduction.  But getting back to RFK Jr., his uncle was the venerable and assassinated President JFK. 
Now, there are more conspiracy theories surrounding who shot JFK, than there were people in Dealey Plaza that day on November 23, 1963 so it's easy for any claim to sort of get lost in the avalanche of conspiracy theories.  But then RFK Jr., is obviously a Kennedy, so when he speaks about this you would think people would listen.  But alas it seems no one has paid much attention to his claim.  Only a handful of places in the Screen-O-Sphere including us, have even mentioned it.  

Now RFK Jr. says there are documents on this lots of documents.  And, RFK Jr. is running for President although no one pays much attention to that either.  Maybe because he went to the Old Brains Biden school of mumbling and not making any sense, when he speaks.  And the dems already have the original, as President.  Who needs another one?  It could also be that while RFK Jr., said their are documents, he didn't have any.

Now these documents might be in the mass of documents that the government has been hoarding for the last sixty years.  But then every couple of decades they have released a whole batch and there is nothing, ever, in them.  Why all these documents are kept secret no one ever says.  But then a whole generation of people who were alive that day, keep waiting and hoping and RFK Jr. must be amongst them.  We're not sure what they think, they'll find.  Maybe there's a typed up confession.  'I shot JFK from the grassy knoll.'  Signed Wouldn't you like to know?  But we doubt it. 

And, as time passes and the people who were alive that day shuffle off to the hereafter, the never ending curiosity of what happened on that day, will die off with them.  A whole host conspiracy theories will disappear from books, movies, documentaries and even The Screen-O-Sphere.  When the last secret file  is released and there is nothing there and the who done it, was it Oswald acting alone? was it The CIA? The FBI?  LBJ? Nixon? The Whitehouse Plumbers? The Mafia, The Chicago Outfit? becomes an unanswered question just dangling in the air, the world will go on.  Just as it has for the last 60 years.  

And, don't feel bad for the poor souls who wondered and heaped conspiracy theory on top of conspiracy theory on top of conspiracy theory and never got an answer.  Because once they all reach that "undiscovered country from which no traveler returns" they can just ask.  And, they won't need any stinking documents.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Sunday, May 7, 2023

It's Good To Be The King

There was that moment and you can see it in the picture above when William kissed his Father the newly crowned King Charles III and a tear rolled down the King's cheek.  You knew then, that it is good to be The King.

Not so good was poor Harry, strolling into the Coronation all by himself with no wife and not even his children by his side.  Children, who could easily be there, as they are also the grandchildren of King Charles III.  In that moment Harry knew that barring some unforeseen, unimaginable catastrophe, he would never be The King.  Harry knew it before.  He even titled his book accordingly but still it had to have hit home with a sort of finality, that all he'd ever be was The Spare.

Sitting home in her palatial mansion in California gnashing her teeth, was the woman who had forsaken the Royalty but still uses the title Duchess, realizing that she blew it because...  It is good to be The King.  And now, she'll never, ever, even, get close.

Then there was that moment after Elon Musk had fired, let go or watched those who resigned, leave Twitter and the number inched over 6500 ex-employees.  Elon only has a 1,000 employees left and yet, the thing runs better than before, saving him millions a year.  And, Elon knew right then that...  It's good to be The King.

 And Tucker Carlson unceremoniously dumped by Fox News for reasons unknown has received offers from Rumble a Podcast forum and Newsmax a competing conservative news channel.  In fact, Newsmax has offered Tucker more money than Fox News!  But Tucker is holding his cards tight to his vest.  Tucker realizes he is the biggest name in news talk right now.  And, as ratings for Fox News have cratered since they dumped him, Tucker knows he's bigger than Fox News.  He doesn't need Newsmax or the money.  It's not about the money.  It's about who's in charge and who gets to call the shots.  So Tucker has met with Elon Musk.   Because Tucker knows that Elon knows that...  It's good to be The King.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bon Publico