Sunday, May 14, 2023

"The CIA Killed My Uncle"

That quote in the title is not attributed to anyone here but rather RFK Jr. pictured above.  But wait, someone here's uncle wound up in the trunk of his car with two bullet holes in his head.  The authorities labeled it a suicide.  Now the second bullet and him being in the trunk of the car kind of put some doubt on the suicide angle.  But then some people said it was Mob related.  But the uncle was an accountant for the Department of Defense and well he didn't owe money or anything so...  Then someone else here's Grandmother disappeared a few decades ago but she worked for the Department of the Interior not the CIA or the FBI or the NSA or so they said.  She used to travel to Europe, Asia and even Cuba which didn't seem to have anything to do with the Dept. of the Interior.  No body was ever found and some people say it was an Alien abduction.  But getting back to RFK Jr., his uncle was the venerable and assassinated President JFK. 
Now, there are more conspiracy theories surrounding who shot JFK, than there were people in Dealey Plaza that day on November 23, 1963 so it's easy for any claim to sort of get lost in the avalanche of conspiracy theories.  But then RFK Jr., is obviously a Kennedy, so when he speaks about this you would think people would listen.  But alas it seems no one has paid much attention to his claim.  Only a handful of places in the Screen-O-Sphere including us, have even mentioned it.  

Now RFK Jr. says there are documents on this lots of documents.  And, RFK Jr. is running for President although no one pays much attention to that either.  Maybe because he went to the Old Brains Biden school of mumbling and not making any sense, when he speaks.  And the dems already have the original, as President.  Who needs another one?  It could also be that while RFK Jr., said their are documents, he didn't have any.

Now these documents might be in the mass of documents that the government has been hoarding for the last sixty years.  But then every couple of decades they have released a whole batch and there is nothing, ever, in them.  Why all these documents are kept secret no one ever says.  But then a whole generation of people who were alive that day, keep waiting and hoping and RFK Jr. must be amongst them.  We're not sure what they think, they'll find.  Maybe there's a typed up confession.  'I shot JFK from the grassy knoll.'  Signed Wouldn't you like to know?  But we doubt it. 

And, as time passes and the people who were alive that day shuffle off to the hereafter, the never ending curiosity of what happened on that day, will die off with them.  A whole host conspiracy theories will disappear from books, movies, documentaries and even The Screen-O-Sphere.  When the last secret file  is released and there is nothing there and the who done it, was it Oswald acting alone? was it The CIA? The FBI?  LBJ? Nixon? The Whitehouse Plumbers? The Mafia, The Chicago Outfit? becomes an unanswered question just dangling in the air, the world will go on.  Just as it has for the last 60 years.  

And, don't feel bad for the poor souls who wondered and heaped conspiracy theory on top of conspiracy theory on top of conspiracy theory and never got an answer.  Because once they all reach that "undiscovered country from which no traveler returns" they can just ask.  And, they won't need any stinking documents.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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