Friday, May 19, 2023

Democracy Is Dead

Can we all just agree if for no other purpose that we don't have to read another article on the subject, that democracy is dead.  How many articles have to be written about something being dead, before we can all just agree that it is dead?  This shouldn't be so hard.  Lets say after 1,000 articles about how something is dead, it's dead.  Okay if that's not enough, how about a5,000?  I think we've all passed that point a while ago and if not, at least in the last year or so.  So all together now, democracy is dead!

Of course those of you who are familiar with the Constitution of the United States, know that there never was a democracy and therefore since it never existed it can't really die but why get nit-picky about the matter.  One more time, democracy is dead!

What does this mean?  Can you go to work tomorrow?  School?  The beach, the movies bowling?  Can you log on to your computer?  Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and of course yes!  According to a lot of the Talking Heads and The Cognoscenti of The Known World, democracy died quite a while ago and you've been doing all these things anyway, so keep it up.  It will help the economy.

When exactly did democracy die?  It could have been the Hayes/Tilden Presidential election of 1876.  Or it could have been the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.  Or it could have been the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1917.  Or it could have been the 2000 Presidential election or the 2016 one or the 2020 one.  Or it could have happened after one of the many Supreme Court decisions that were handed down by the Nine Pointy Headed Wonders Of The Known World.  But regardless of where or when, we think that everyone can clearly see and more importantly agree, that democracy is dead.  It's time to move on.

Dicens simile factum est.

Pro Bono Publico

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