Nicholas Malvagna threw his cell phone at the singer Bebe Rexha at the close of her show. He hit her resulting in some nasty bruising. When asked why? Malvagna said he thought it would be funny. The Police arrested him and while he thought it was funny at the time, he had to have that moment when he realized it wasn't such a hot idea. Maybe that moment came when he was being handcuffed, booked, strip searched or maybe when they told him, he could make one phone call.
Now we're not sure if it was the 7th or the 15th or the 22nd but we're pretty sure by the time he read the 37th count in his indictment, that former President of the United States Donald John Trump, realized that maybe taking these things home with him, wasn't such a hot idea.
Obviously letting Tucker go was not such a hot idea but as they were cleaning house over there at Fox News, the name Geraldo Rivera had to have come up. Someone must have asked. "Who hired this guy?" When no one would own up to it, it was bye bye Geraldo. For those of you still watching 'The Five', you won't have Geraldo to kick around anymore.
And, June 21, 2023 came and went and we're all still here. Guess we can all thank the Big Guy and Jesus or whoever you want because Great Thunberg back on June 21, 2018 said we had five years before the climate and that means the rest of us along with it, would just go poof! Now you may think that she might be sitting there and thinking maybe that wasn't such a hot idea to say that back then, as everyone is still around today. But not to worry. People who predict the end of it all and then the end doesn't come well... They just change the date. You can look that up. Besides, she was only 15 years old back then. We're pretty sure she was just reading something that someone else wrote. It's not her fault. Don't be hating.
Oh yeah, that's Bebe Rexha at the top of the page. No, we did not just put her picture up there so we could have a beautiful woman at the top of the page. There are pictures of her after she got hit with the phone that might be more apropos to this article but we didn't like those. And, we can't help it if she's beautiful and elegant. Don't be hating.
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