Friday, November 10, 2023


In a fierce and fiery debate Wednesday night while discussing the evils of Tik Tok, candidate Vivek Ramaswamy pointed out that candidate Niki Haley's own daughter had a Tik Tok account!  OMG!  Niki Haley then responded.  "Keep my daughter's name out of your voice.".  Then she called him "scum".  Now under certain circumstances that would have been considered racist but since both of their families came here from India, she can call him whatever she wants.  But that brings us to our first question of the day and we've been pondering this one for quite sometime.  What is the difference between the Politicians of Today and The Real Housewives of New York, Beverly Hills, The Potomac or wherever you prefer?  

The answer...  We give up too.

This brings us to the Ham Asses and our second question of the day.  In case you didn't know, in the middle of the famous Gun Fight at the O.K. Corral, Ike Clanton ran up to Wyatt Earp and screamed.  "Don't shoot!  I got no gun!"  This is not just from the movies.  This was attested to by all the surviving combatants and the many witnesses.  Wyatt amazingly didn't just shoot him but shoved him aside telling him.  "The fighting has commenced.  Get to fighting or get away!"  So why don't all these Ham Ass supporters demonstrating all over the world, get their asses on a plane, fly to Egypt, go through one of the many tunnels of the Ham Assess and get to fighting?

And Jared Leto, Academy Award winning actor climbed the Empire State Building.  Well at least from floors 86 to 104 which is the highest and scariest part.  Jared is the first person to scale this New York City Landmark since King Kong.  Now, you might be wondering why would he do this?  Money?  Fame?  He already has those things.  So it's not not for the reasons most people do these outlandish and crazy things nowadays.  Like live on a desolate island for months or in a house with a bunch of other narcissistic nicompoops, just so they can all be, in front of a TV camera.  Like we said Jared Leto already has all that.  No, the answer must be, because it is there.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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