Sunday, January 19, 2025

"Death Be Not Proud"*

On November 21, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated.  The nation went into shock and then mourning.  To the Baby Boomers who were all young back then, that date November 21, 1963, echoes in their minds.  Then they lost Elvis and later John Lennon and the dates of their passings are also dutifully noted.  To the Gen Xers it was Michael Jackson, then later, Prince, both painfully and too soon, gone.  And now for Gen Z, it is January 19th, 2025, the day, Tik Tock, went dark.

And they thought he was dead, especially when the bullet almost took his head off, but no.  No, he's baaaacccckkkkk!  That's Donald John Trump, HLH (He's like Hitler) HIAH (He Is A Hero) 45th and now 47th President of the United States.  For the people who hate him their nightmare has come to fruition.  For those of us who weigh in on the trials and tribulations of the world, he is a blessing.  He says outrageous stuff.  He tweets!  He drives his opponents crazy.  Everything is a headline with an exclamation point or points.  Joe, Old Brains Biden on the other hand, is dead.  He's still walking around mouthing things.  No, that's not an AI version of him talking, although at this point, that might be a good idea.  But he's done and gone, dead.  They just haven't told him yet.  They will though, just like they did, when they told him he wasn't running again.

And is WOWTMSM (What Once Was The Main Stream Media) dead?  First it was Fox News paying 787 million.  Then it was ABC News paying out 15 million.  Now it's CNN paying out 5 million with millions more to come, as the jury is now weighing punitive damages.  So, they have not only been lying, they gone way beyond that, they've been defaming people.  But for how long and how many people?  Is this just the tip of the iceberg with many more lawsuits to come?  And will this finally put a stake through the heart of WOWTMSM?  Already Podcasts have surpassed them in audience by the millions, many, many millions.  And, if this be their death, then maybe death, should be proud, very proud.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

* John Donne

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