Friday, February 21, 2025

Be Careful Elon

We were able to track down  Clyde Kiddlehopper because he'd written us a letter and he consented to an interview.

NYUGGE Just how old are you Mr. Kiddlehopper?

Mr. K.  I don't rightly know.  I can remember when the President got shot.

NYUGGE You mean President Kennedy?

Mr. K Oh no, no.  What was his name?  Gar something.

NYUGE You mean Garfield?

Mr. K Yeah yeah.  That was it.  But I was a little boy then,

NYUGGE That makes you like a 150 something.

Mr. K.  Sounds right.

NYUGGE Now we hope you don't mind us asking but do you collect Social Security?

Mr. K Of course.

NYUGE For how long?

Mr. K. Since they started sending out the checks in1940.

Then we interviewed Martha Strangelove.  She contacted us.

NYUGGE It's nice to meet you Ms. Strangelove.

Ms. S Thank you and it's Mrs.  Mr. has been gone a while but I'm a Mrs. not a Miss or Ms. anything.  And, you can call me Martha.

NYUGGE  If you don't mind us asking Martha how old are you?

Ms. Well I don't like to normally divulge my age but this is for something important.  I'm 175 years old.

NYUGGE  That means you were born in 1850?

Mrs. S  Yup.  I can remember when the President was shot.

NYUGGE  That was President...

Mrs. S.  Lincoln.  I was 15 then.  It was right about when the war ended.

NYUGGE  And do you collect Social Security?

Mrs. S  Of course since they started sending out the checks in 1940.

NYUGGE  Did your husband collect?

Mrs. S  Of course.  He still does.

NYUGGE  When did he pass away?

Mrs. S  Oh 1966.

NYUGGE  And you still get the checks?

Mrs. S  Of course.  Goes right into the bank every month along with mine.  Now let me tell this Elon something.  You better not mess around with my money.  I've got my shotgun. I'll come looking for you.  Some of us are what they call Senior Seniors and we need our money.  Try finding a job at my age.  And, don't forget we vote too.

So there you have it Elon right from the horses mouth, so to speak.  So be careful and don't let our Senior, Seniors down.  

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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