Every once in a while we get mail the old fashion way, snail mail, as it's called. And, we feel duty bound to answer those, just as we answer all other comments. If someone took the time to read our column and respond, we feel duty bound to answer. Even if sometimes the writing is in crayon and hard to decipher. There's too many to print here but rest assured everyone is answered. Here are a few.
'Dear Nazis,
Don't you realize that the people in Gaza need condoms! You idiots! You are all idiots! So, I will keep this simple for you. Condoms = no babies. No babies = no abortions. And you should be happy with that!!! And no babies means, no terrorists, as all terrorist were babies once.
In disgust,
Karen ,Karen
Dear Karen, Karen, We never thought of that. Hmmm.
The Staff
'Dear Libtoid scum,
How dare you compare our President to Hitler!' I would use some real curse words much stronger than scum but but I don't use such language.
Yours truly,
Clyde Kididillhopper
Dear Clyde, We just present the facts. You decide.
The Staff'
'Dear Whistling Past The Graveyard People'
Okay, okay keep making funny comparisons of Trump to Hitler but you'll see. You'll be sorry. You'll get yours'.
Seth Fallon
Dear Seth,
Everyone gets what's coming to them. We'll get ours. You'll get yours. But at least you saw the satire, even if you failed to get a few laughs, which is the whole point here.
The Staff
Now this one was in crayon but we re printed it out so you would be able to read it.
DEER LAMbains,
It tak me 2 weeks to calm dwn enough to rite this. OW dar U say the Mainstreet medya is threw? I stll wach it evry nite. Wha pruff do u ave?
Dear Charyly,
Check the ratings.
Thank you.
The Staff
And to everyone keep those comments, emails and yes even letters coming in.
Dicens simile factum est
Pro Bono Publico
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