Friday, May 3, 2024

'Blowin' In The Wind'*

We've been watching all these demonstrations all over the many college campuses of America and we have a few questions.  Where do they all get these tents from?  It's just kind of weird how these people show up complete with tents and such.  If you are a Protestor do you have to buy them before they let you join in?  Like it's  part of the costume you have to have, along with the flags, the T-shirts and the placards emblazoned with the  slogans?  Or are these the kind of people who go camping on the weekends?  We mean, when they're not protesting?

And as we pointed out in a previous article, the fighting has commenced, so why are they here?  Why aren't they over there?  If not in Gaza or at least Lebanon?  What if during the Civil War a whole bunch of Confederates pitched tents on college campuses and walked around with signs like 'Stay Out of Our Business', 'We Need Our Slaves' and 'From The Mason Dixon Line To The Rio Grande'?

Why are we the only ones asking these questions?  Isn't that what this whole journalism thingy is all about?  Where are the Talking Heads, The Cognoscenti Of The Known World and the many pretty faces of WWTMSM aka What Was The Main Stream Media?  Why does it seem that all they do is repeat the talking points, the slogans and the catch phrases of the participants in whatever hoopla, they are covering?  The only question they ever seem to ask nowadays, centers around do you hate Trump or Biden?  And or, how much do you hate Trump or Biden?

Maybe it's like that old protest song of years ago told us.  'The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind.  The answer, is blowin' in the wind.'*

Dicens simle factum est

Pro Bono Publico

*Bob Dylan 


  1. Another great article Mr. Tambourine Man

    1. Thank you Tiv. And... May your hands always be busy
      May your feet always be swift
      May you have a strong foundation
      When the winds of changes shift
      May your heart always be joyful
      And may your song always be sung
      May you stay forever young
