Thursday, May 9, 2024

Quiz Time!

Every once in a while we like to run a little quiz just to see if people have been paying attention.  Information, as the Know It All's like to remind us, is essential to a Democracy.

Question 1.  Donald John Trump former President of The United States, is most like...

A. Adolf Hitler

B. Davy Crockett

C. Maury Povich

D. Jerry Springer

Question 2.  At the Met Gala...

A. Kim Kardashian had her waist tucked in so hard, she looked like a cartoon character.

B. Zendaya appeared twice in two separate outfits.

C. Doja Kat showed up in her bed sheet or something that looked like it.

D. None of the above.

E. All of the above.

Question 3. Kristi Noem Governor of South Dakota is out of consideration as Trump's VP because...

A. She's has no relevant experience.  She was the Congressperson from South Dakota but South Dakota is one of those states that have more Senators than Congresspersons and no one ever needed her vote on anything.  Besides, there's not much to do there or be in charge of, even if you are the Governor.

B. She shot her Dog.

C. She's the author of books that actually sold copies and Presidential or Vice Presidential candidates are not supposed to write books that sell copes.  See Hillary Clinton.

D. She told Biden to shoot his Dog.

E. None of the above. 

Question 4.  King Charles III will not see his son Prince Harry during Harry's visit to Great Britain for the Invictus games because...

A. The King is too busy.

B. The Royal family are a bunch of racists.

C. Prince Harry and his wife Megan's tell all Neflix series and Harry's book insulted the Royal family so much, that none of them want anything to do with him.  This is a big Diss.

D. None of the above.

E. All of the above.


Question 1.  Correct Answer D, Jerry Springer.  Both had long running T.V. shows and both held elective office.  Jerry was once the Mayor of Cincinnati and Trump POTUS.  Jerry's tag line was.  "Take care of yourselves and each other."  Trump's was.  "You're fired!"  If you picked D give yourself 25 points, as you will for every correct answer.  However there have been so many people comparing Trump to Hitler and you've probably heard it so many times, that if you picked A, Hitler, give yourself 5 points.  No, you get no points for Davy Crockett.  Yes he too held elective office but there was no TV back in the early 1800's.  And yes Maury has a TV show with a tag line.  "You are the Father! or You are not the Father!"  But he's never held elective office.  And no Hitler, did not have a TV show, even if he had a tag line.  "Heil Hitler!" 

Question 2. Correct Answer E.  All of the above.  If you missed this question, you just weren't paying attention at all.  When Democracy dies, it is all your fault.

Question 3.  Correct Answer B.  All the Know It All's think it's because she shot her Dog.  Who are we to argue?  But some of the other choices make sense, so if you picked A, C or D, give yourself 10 points.

Question 4. Correct Answer C.  Not only won't his father or brother see him, no one in the entire Royal family even has a room for him.  Harry is going to have to stay in a a hotel.  This was one big Diss and no one knows how to Diss better, than the Brits.  Hell, they invented it.

Scoring.  Normally we tell you what your score means but this quiz was a little tough in that some of the choices were not so clear.  But those of you who got a 100, you are winners!  You know what's going on and when democracy dies, it won't be your fault.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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