Thursday, August 29, 2024


Mark Zuckerberg was censoring the news on his Facebook Thing A Ma Jig.  He said so.  In his own words.  We're bewildered.  No, not that this great Wunderkind would do such a thing but we're on Facebook and is there news on this thing?  Where?  I see pictures of friends and their families, where they went on vacation and what they're up to on a given day and that's news to us.  But news!  Like in the stuff on the WOWTMSM (What Once Was The Main Stream Media)?  Where?  Of course, The Wunderkind thinks he influenced you.  Did he?  Maybe you shouldn't answer that, as this article will be on the Facebook Thing A Ma Jig and we don't want to hurt the The Wunderkind's feelings, if you all give a resounding NO!

And with all the hoopla surrounding RFK Jr.'s bending of the knee to Donald (HLH), Trump POTUS, HIAH, did anyone stop to think about Nicole Shanahan?  Who you ask?  Well she was RFK Jr.'s Vice Presidential running mate and now, she's nothing.  You didn't even know her name.  Actually, neither did we.  We had to look it up.  But one day she had sugar plum fairies dancing in her head.  Imagining that she would be sitting in the VP's chair waiting for RFK Jr. to get assassinated, as Kennedy's who run for President are known to get.  Then the next day, she gets a one way ticket to Palookaville.  Does anyone care?  Again, maybe it's better to not answer that, as a resounding NO, might hurt her feelings.

BTW RFK Jr. could have been our first Autistic President.  Oh, what might have been!

And back in 2018 Megyn Kelly got fired from NBC.  NBC in case you didn't know was one of the keystones of WOWTMSM.  Supposedly she did something that was politically incorrect but who knows?  These are the same people who had Matt Lauer running around for decades molesting women at their network and they never noticed.  But what did Megyn do?  Did she cry?  Did she go to work for one of those obscure cable networks where you're never heard from again, like Chris Cuomo? 

No, she started her own Podcast!  And the numbers are in.  Last month Megyn's Podcast got 116.8 million views.  Sky News got 87 million views on their site.  CBS News got 83 million views on their site and NBC?  Well they got 78 million views on their site.  Who's laughing now?  And this just goes to show that sometimes NO, might just be like what the guy in the movie 'Cool Hand Luke' said about nothing.  "Sometimes NO! is a real cool hand."

Maybe we'll call her 'Cool Hand Megyn', from now on.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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