Friday, August 2, 2024

How Dare They?

Norah O'Donnell is out as the Anchor of CBS Nightly News.  Norah O'Donnell in case you didn't know was the first woman to Anchor any of the alphabet Nightly News programs.  Actually she's the only woman whoever Anchored any of  alphabet Nightly News programs.  But now she's toast, see you later, goodbye Norah we hate to see you go, gone.  You would think there would be much Hue and Cry over this but no.  There is no one shaking the rafters or screaming bloody murder, as the only woman Anchor gets kicked down the road.  It is left to us and only us, to ask..  How Dare They!

Of course the reason given is low ratings.  Seems CBS is mired in third place, almost fixed there behind NBC and ABC news.  But it's not like anyone is watching those other outlets much either.  The three big alphabet networks used to have most of the adult population tuning every night.  But then came cable TV and the internet, not to mention all the hoaxes and scandals that the What Once Was The Main Stream Media has been caught up in.  But the once great audience has dwindled down to a precious few.  And the worst part is most of the precious few, are over 65, so they're dying off every day.  But why fire Norah O'Donnell?  It's not her fault that almost no one watches this bleep anymore!  Ooops we almost said a bad word there.  Actually we did but we caught it on the edit.  But again, How Dare They!

And, U. S. Prosecutors have reached a plea deal with the Mastermind of the 9/11 attacks Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and his Myrmidons, Walid bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawsawi.  They will all plead guilty to conspiracy, take a life sentence, avoid a trial and the needle.  Now some in the Mass Hysteria are screaming all bloody hell that the U.S. should not have taken the death penalty, off the table.  But as usual, they miss the larger picture.

These guys Khalid, Walid and Mustafa are supposed to be Jihadis.  They are supposed to go out in a great ball of fire, like the guys they sent into the World Trade Towers, The Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.  They are supposed to embrace Martyrdom!  They are supposed to get the 72 Virgin package.  Now all they can hope for is some young boys show up at Gitmo.  And, if you're a Jihadis, how is this supposed to make you feel?  Sick to your stomach, no doubt.  How would you like these guys for heroes?  Talk about feet of clay.  How's about gutless, lily livered and sissy boys?  All we have to say to them is.  How dare you?

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

P.S. Since we went to Press, the U.S. Government has since revoked the plea deal.  But it doesn't change the paradigm.  Khalid, Walid and Mustafa took the deal  They are still, gutless, lily livered, sissy boys.

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