Thursday, July 25, 2024

Are We Becoming A Third World Country?

With the bullets and the resignations flying around America, like debris in a Tornado, people may be wondering if we're becoming a Third World country.  First up, Thomas Crooks takes a few shots at Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, HIAH just like they do in Third World countries but that doesn't count.  11 other Presidents have been shot at, so that makes it 1 out of every 3.75 Presidents or just about 1 in 4.  So, it's not that rare an occurrence.  And that's not a very good rate for the Secret Service.  Although the first guy to shoot at a President, shot at Andrew Jackson and there was no SS at that time.  But then two guys shot at Gerald Ford, so it's still the same rate of occurrence.  Maybe the SS should be replaced by Navy Seals or Marines.  That's just a suggestion, to whoever wins the 2024 election.  But no one has thought of the US of A as a Third World country, while all this has been going on for the better part of the last two centuries.

Then there is the Coup of Old Brains Biden.  He wanted to run for re-election.  Most of his party wanted him to run again, as they nominated him.  Although elections in the dem party are strange things where one candidate may win the primary but the other candidate gets more delegates.  But Old Brains had all the delegates this time and was the party's nominee.

Old Brains said he would never drop out but then came the George Clooney/NY Times decree and Old Brains was gone a week later.  So, it was a Coup.  But in a Third World country the Leader would have got two bullets in the back of his head.  Usually administrated by his Body Guard or someone else he trusted.  Or someone would just place a pillow over his face, while he slept.  But in this case, Old Brains just issued a Tweet and signed a letter and said see ya.  So, this is not a Third World country.

Then there is the resignation of Kimberley Cheatle former head of the SS but people like her resign or get fired all the time in America.  In a Third World country, she would have disappeared.  

But the biggest reason we're not a Third World country is money.  Or should we say wealth.  We don't necessarily mean specie.  The GDP of the USA is 28.7 Trillion dollars and growing by the day, every day.  You may not be doing so hot, but the country is getting richer.  In fact, we're 10.2 Trillion ahead of China which is the closest.  Then there's Russia, Russia, Russia with a GDP of 2.06 Trillion GDP or 26.6 Trillion behind.  Or so far behind, we can't see them in the rear view mirror anymore.

So, in spite of all the craziness and all the shooting both in bullets and the bull dropping kind, we are not a Third World country.  At least, we don't think so.  Some may disagree, as Third World countries have a hard time figuring out, who's in charge.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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