Monday, July 1, 2024

Why Have Elections?

We think of ourselves as the cutting edge, the tip of the spear in this journalism thingy.  That's why we are posing the question above.  If you can remember or even if you weren't born yet, you must have heard about the Presidential election of the year 2000.  It was Gore v. Bush the Younger, and it all came down to a little over 500 votes in Florida.  Those 500 votes gave Bush the Younger, the electoral college and the Presidency.  They counted those votes over and over again, up, down and sideways and the result kept coming out, Bush the Younger by that little more than 500 votes.  Well Bush the Younger, who came to be known as W, became the POTUS and the democrat Pundits, Know-It-Alls and their Cognoscenti of The Known World screamed for years, maybe even a decade or so, that the election was stolen.

Jump ahead to the 2016 election and HerHillaryness loses to one Donald John Trump soon to be known as "He's Like Hitler".  So, we will refer to him from now on as Donald (HLH) actually He's, is, He is, so it should be HILH but we're going for brevity here, so it will be Donald (HLH) Trump F for former POTUS or FPOTUS.  But HerHillaryness and all her Sycophants, the dem Pundits, the dem Know-It-Alls and the dem Cognoscenti Of The Known World, screamed for years, that the election had been stolen.  Not only that, it was stolen by the Russians!  There was even a large scale investigation on the subject by the FBI.  And just because the FBI couldn't find anything nor could anyone figure out how the Russians stole the election, doesn't mean they didn't do it.  These are the Russians we're talking about.  The baddest bad guys since the Nazis.  You might think the Taliban, the Alqualuddies and Terrorist in general are but they've seemed to have lost some of their luster, over the years.  The Russians are still  BAADD!

This brings us to the 2020 election, which we're sure everyone can remember, so there's no sense going over the whole thing again.  There is also the 1960 election where there were rumblings that LBJ got the dead to vote in Texas and Mayor Daley had more people voting in Chicago, then there were in Chicago, all of which, tipped the election for JFK.  That really didn't work out so hot in the long run, as no matter who you think shot JFK, Oswald, the guy on the grassy knoll, the CIA, the Mafia or the Illuminati, everyone would agree, that if he'd lost the election, no one would have shot him.

But with all these people who should know, since they are Pundits, Know-It-Alls and Cognoscenti Of The Known World, claiming all these elections were stolen, who are we to argue?  And what kind of confidence should we have in elections?  So again, why have them?

But this is a democracy you say?  Well democracy is dead.  We covered this a while back and if you don't believe us now, just Google it and see how many articles there are explaining it.  Plus there are a gaggle of Pundits, Know-It-Alls and Cognoscenti Of The Known World who say if Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS gets elected again, democracy is dead.  Well, anyone in the know, knows it's dead but we guess they mean, deader than disco or the doornail but most definitely, dead.

So what to do, you ask?  Well the Political Polls are the answer.  We suggest that whoever is leading in the Political Polls, is the POTUS or the winner in any election; Congress, Governor, Mayor.  This would stop all the complaints about stolen elections, as there wouldn't be any.  We wouldn't have to worry about people getting to the polls, as no one would have too.  We wouldn't have to worry about people discarding mail in votes or someone finding a few thousand votes in a car trunk, as there wouldn't be any mail in ballots.

And the Polls are accurate.  They're scientific.  If you don't believe us, just ask the Pollsters, the Pundits, the Know-It-Alls and the Cognoscenti Of The Known World.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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