Friday, July 5, 2024

What's The BFD?

We've wondered this one for quite sometime.  If this is a democracy why do we have the 9 Pointy Headed Wonders Of The Known World aka The Supreme Court, telling us what is morally right or morally wrong?  Who elected them?  Of course we think democracy is dead but when it was still alive, and if we needed a body of people to tell us what is morally right or wrong, they should be Pediatricians not Lawyers.  Pediatricians know what is good for children and if we need to be told what is morally wright and morally wrong, then we are children.

We began pondering this one once again, as with much fanfare the 9 Pointy Headed Wonders Of The Known World, to be known as 9PHWs from now on, as we go for brevity, always, rendered down a decision from on high, that said Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS had immunity for his official acts back when he was President.  There was much hue and cry over this, as there is over most everything the 9 PHWs do.  But this struck us as odd because all government employees have immunity for their official acts, not just Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS  or any other President.

This goes for the Police Officer, The Firefighter, the Clerk in Post Office and for everybody working for the government.  If you are carrying out your official duties as a government employee, you can't be sued or arrested.  Makes sense if you stop to think about it.  Of course most people wronged by the government want to sue the government because that's where the money is.  But you can't sue or arrest anyone working for the government, so long as they are carrying out their official duties, no matter how much you don't like them.  And Presidents are government employees, as was, Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS.  So, what is the BFD here?

And, we don't know what was funnier, Old Brains Biden trying to string a few coherent sentences together during The Great Debate or the reaction of all the dem Know-It-Alls and the dem Cognoscenti Of The Know World, who all of a sudden realized that Old Brains is senile.  Where have they been for the last 4 years?  Do they watch the news?  Do they have the internet?  Tik Tok?  Instagram?  Twitter?  Facebook?

We're not saying their reactions were orchestrated.  Just because they all say the same things, all the time.  And on cue too.  But it sure looked like it.  Why would they do this?  Seemingly throwing their own guy overboard?  Could be the plan is not to try and deny the obvious.  Just at some point up ahead, they all shrug and say, at least he's not Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS.  So he's senile.  What's the BFD?

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publco

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