Sunday, July 14, 2024

Questions, Questions, Questions

George Clooney of all people and in an Op-ed in the New York Times of all places, said Old Brains Biden has got to go.  This begs the question, what is holding Old Brains Biden up?  How can he survive this?  Yeah, yeah other people are calling for his head but this is George Clooney and the New York Times!  Maybe the days, now dwindle down, to a precious few.

Now we all thought the dems would moan and groan about Old Brains for a week or two after his disastrous performance in The Great Debate of 2024.  But then they'd all come together, sing Kumbaya and Old Brains would be their guy.  But we might have been wrong.  That happens in this journalism thing.  People get things wrong.  But we'll own up to it.  Should it occur.  We will still ask the questions and questions can be those nasty things.

Like why don't they just make VP Kamala Harris the POTUS.  The dems can invoke the 25th Amendment any time they want.  No one needs Old Brains approval.  They don't even have to tell him.  They just tell him he has to go back to the basement, give him some ice cream and let him Skype once in a while.  He won't know the difference.  LBJ was the VP and he just took over after JFK got shot and nobody said boo.  Maybe they should have but no one said boo.  And Gerald Ford just waltzed into the Oval office a minute after Nixon resigned.  Again, no one said boo, not even Nixon.

All of which brings us to our next vexing scenario and question, what's the point here?  We mean Hunter Biden has been convicted of three felonies and he's just waltzing around town and even sitting in the Oval office, like nothing happened.  And, Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS has been convicted of 34 felonies and he's running for President, like nothing happened.  Other than almost getting assassinated but that's what happens to Presidents and Presidential candidates.  In fact, just like Hunter, Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS might be sitting in the Oval office in a few months.  Unless the next shooter does more than just nick his ear.

Then there is Alec Baldwin who was on trial for involuntary manslaughter and the prosecutors forgot to give some of the evidence to the defense and we're pretty sure that gets covered in Law School 101, so how could they forget?  And of course, the judge threw the case out of court.  Now these are different jurisdictions and totally unrelated cases but inquiring minds might begin to wonder what's the point of impaneling grand juries, bringing charges, having trials and even getting convictions, if the end result is the accused or convicted, are just walking around like nothing ever happened in the first place?

These maybe tough questions and maybe no one can even answer them but we have to ask.  We did say, it could get nasty.

Dicens simile facctum est

Pro Bono Publico

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