Saturday, July 20, 2024

Conspiracy Theories II

We realized that one article couldn't possibly cover all the conspiracy theories, so here we go.  

There is the inflammatory rhetoric crowd.  The people who claim all the hateful, inflammatory rhetoric is the cause for the assassination attempt of Donald (HLH) Trump POTUS, HIAH.  This is usually brought to us by the people who use hateful, inflammatory rhetoric everyday.  But this just proves one of our oldest adages.  'Whoever is screaming the loudest about how terrible something is, is usually doing it.'  The inflammatory rhetoric crowd are on both the left and the right.  It's a sort of bi-partisan crowd, united by their belief that inflammatory rhetoric has consequences.  Not their inflammatory rhetoric of course, just the other guy's.

We hate to pour cold water on this crowd but like most everyone, we've watched numerous episodes of Dateline, 48 Hours, 20/20, Cold Case, Homicide Hunter and other real life crime series.  We've seen husbands kill wives, wives kill husbands, people killing their in-laws, their neighbors and all manner of other human beings.  They do it for money, jealousy, hate or they are Psychopaths and it's for the thrill.  But we've never seen a case, where inflammatory speech made the doer, do the deed.  Maybe, we missed those episodes.

Then there's the anthropomorphic crowd.  That's people who like to put human emotions or human behavior on objects, animals or entities.  They like to blame things like computer games, violent T.V. shows, medications and one we haven't heard in a while the "specter of violence".  As if there is this ghost or spirit roaming around that jumps into people.  Sort of like a lot of Sci-fi movies.  The "specter of violence" was big after all the assassinations of the 1960's.  Maybe we haven't heard the specter one in a while because it was used in all those Sci-fi movies but the Know-It-Alls used to throw that one around a lot.

Of course if these things caused people to kill, we're guessing the death toll would be way up there.  Way beyond the current homicide rate of 14 to 15 thousand a year and more like in the millions since almost everyone in America watches or uses these things.  And once again, we've never seen an episode of a real crime show where someone played a computer game, watched a violent T.V. show, took or didn't take a pill and then killed their wife, their husband, their in-law, their neighbor or some other random human being.

Now the reason for all these conspiracy theories, indulged in, by almost all of us, at some time or another, is that the government and the media lie.  In fact, they have lied to us some many times, over so many things, that it would be hard to believe them about anything.  We don't.

For starters in this case, there is the explanation from the Director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle, who said the reason there was no one on the roof where the shooter parked himself was the roof was slanted.  And because of that slant, it was too dangerous.  What?  You can watch the video of her give this reason and you will see that she does it with a straight face.  But if you look closely, you can see she's lying.  But it looks like she believes it.  And we in turn are to believe that the brave, dedicated, fearless Secret Service agents, who are supposed to take a bullet for the President, can't be on a roof that's slightly slanted because it's too dangerous!  OMG!  No, that's double OMG or OMG!! And, as readers of this column know OMG!!, is the absolute end of it all.

Let the conspiracy theories flow.

P.S. One more conspiracy to add to the mix.  Once Old Brains found out they'd missed DJT, he knew it was time to go.

Dicens, simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

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