Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Conspiracy Theories


While we don't traffic in conspiracy theories and we won't ascribe to any of them, we cant' stop them either.  And, the first thing that any decent conspiracy theorist will jump on, is why was there a roof with a clear line of sight to Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, left unoccupied and unguarded?  We have to put this out there because years ago we were in attendance when a big foreign Macher made a speech in front of City Hall.  While sitting in the audience and gazing around, we could see every rooftop was occupied.  Not sure if they were Secret Service, FBI, CIA, NYPD, Navy Seals or MI6 but if you wanted to go up on any of those roofs to shoot the big Macher, well sorry, there wasn't any room.

Oh btw Donald Trump like John McCain, is, officially a hero.  So just like John McCain every time you mention his name you have to say He's a hero.  So from now on we will refer to him as Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, HIAH (He Is A Hero).  We are including the I in this one unlike the HLH where we drop the I for he's like Hitler, as we don't think HAH sounds appropriate.  Not for a hero.

There will be two basic thematic narratives that will travel through the conspiracy theories.  The first that it was the Deep State with help from the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Secret Service and well, all the usual suspects.  In this one Thomas Matthew Crooks the Fall Guy, was told he would be whisked away to safety, given a ton of money and this would be the first of many hits, he would be used for.  Of course since he was the Fall Guy, he got wasted at the scene.  No Lee Harvey Oswald left to be arrested by the local police and interrogated.  And no need to hire the Mafia to whack him afterwards.  No, this time it's a bullet to the head at the scene.  Game over.

The other is that Trump and his minions planned it.  The Fall Guy was told to shoot at empty cars, or mailboxes.  The Secret Service would then tackle him.  Since no one would be hurt, he would be sent to a mental hospital for a few years, where he could write his manifesto and everyone would know his name.  Meanwhile Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, HIAH upon hearing the gunfire, would know to duck down under the podium, where there was a sharp object with which he could cut his ear and then rise up triumphant.  This is all unknown to the Fall Guy, who gets a bullet in the head.  Of course this Fall Guy, might have got overly stimulated thinking he's a real assassin and then shot a few people or he was just a bad shot and missed whatever he was aiming at but oh well, either way, "the best laid plans of mice and men".*

Like we said at the beginning here, we don't ascribe to conspiracy theories and we won't endorse any of them.  But wait, you say.  What about the those conspiracy theories that turned out to be true?  And yes there are a few of those.  Well, when a conspiracy theory turns out to be true, it is no longer a conspiracy theory.  Sometimes the conspiracy theorist, get it right.  So, let the games begin.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

* Robert Burns

P.S. Note to DJT.  You might want to hire your own security team.

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