Thursday, July 25, 2024

Are We Becoming A Third World Country?

With the bullets and the resignations flying around America, like debris in a Tornado, people may be wondering if we're becoming a Third World country.  First up, Thomas Crooks takes a few shots at Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, HIAH just like they do in Third World countries but that doesn't count.  11 other Presidents have been shot at, so that makes it 1 out of every 3.75 Presidents or just about 1 in 4.  So, it's not that rare an occurrence.  And that's not a very good rate for the Secret Service.  Although the first guy to shoot at a President, shot at Andrew Jackson and there was no SS at that time.  But then two guys shot at Gerald Ford, so it's still the same rate of occurrence.  Maybe the SS should be replaced by Navy Seals or Marines.  That's just a suggestion, to whoever wins the 2024 election.  But no one has thought of the US of A as a Third World country, while all this has been going on for the better part of the last two centuries.

Then there is the Coup of Old Brains Biden.  He wanted to run for re-election.  Most of his party wanted him to run again, as they nominated him.  Although elections in the dem party are strange things where one candidate may win the primary but the other candidate gets more delegates.  But Old Brains had all the delegates this time and was the party's nominee.

Old Brains said he would never drop out but then came the George Clooney/NY Times decree and Old Brains was gone a week later.  So, it was a Coup.  But in a Third World country the Leader would have got two bullets in the back of his head.  Usually administrated by his Body Guard or someone else he trusted.  Or someone would just place a pillow over his face, while he slept.  But in this case, Old Brains just issued a Tweet and signed a letter and said see ya.  So, this is not a Third World country.

Then there is the resignation of Kimberley Cheatle former head of the SS but people like her resign or get fired all the time in America.  In a Third World country, she would have disappeared.  

But the biggest reason we're not a Third World country is money.  Or should we say wealth.  We don't necessarily mean specie.  The GDP of the USA is 28.7 Trillion dollars and growing by the day, every day.  You may not be doing so hot, but the country is getting richer.  In fact, we're 10.2 Trillion ahead of China which is the closest.  Then there's Russia, Russia, Russia with a GDP of 2.06 Trillion GDP or 26.6 Trillion behind.  Or so far behind, we can't see them in the rear view mirror anymore.

So, in spite of all the craziness and all the shooting both in bullets and the bull dropping kind, we are not a Third World country.  At least, we don't think so.  Some may disagree, as Third World countries have a hard time figuring out, who's in charge.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Conspiracy Theories II

We realized that one article couldn't possibly cover all the conspiracy theories, so here we go.  

There is the inflammatory rhetoric crowd.  The people who claim all the hateful, inflammatory rhetoric is the cause for the assassination attempt of Donald (HLH) Trump POTUS, HIAH.  This is usually brought to us by the people who use hateful, inflammatory rhetoric everyday.  But this just proves one of our oldest adages.  'Whoever is screaming the loudest about how terrible something is, is usually doing it.'  The inflammatory rhetoric crowd are on both the left and the right.  It's a sort of bi-partisan crowd, united by their belief that inflammatory rhetoric has consequences.  Not their inflammatory rhetoric of course, just the other guy's.

We hate to pour cold water on this crowd but like most everyone, we've watched numerous episodes of Dateline, 48 Hours, 20/20, Cold Case, Homicide Hunter and other real life crime series.  We've seen husbands kill wives, wives kill husbands, people killing their in-laws, their neighbors and all manner of other human beings.  They do it for money, jealousy, hate or they are Psychopaths and it's for the thrill.  But we've never seen a case, where inflammatory speech made the doer, do the deed.  Maybe, we missed those episodes.

Then there's the anthropomorphic crowd.  That's people who like to put human emotions or human behavior on objects, animals or entities.  They like to blame things like computer games, violent T.V. shows, medications and one we haven't heard in a while the "specter of violence".  As if there is this ghost or spirit roaming around that jumps into people.  Sort of like a lot of Sci-fi movies.  The "specter of violence" was big after all the assassinations of the 1960's.  Maybe we haven't heard the specter one in a while because it was used in all those Sci-fi movies but the Know-It-Alls used to throw that one around a lot.

Of course if these things caused people to kill, we're guessing the death toll would be way up there.  Way beyond the current homicide rate of 14 to 15 thousand a year and more like in the millions since almost everyone in America watches or uses these things.  And once again, we've never seen an episode of a real crime show where someone played a computer game, watched a violent T.V. show, took or didn't take a pill and then killed their wife, their husband, their in-law, their neighbor or some other random human being.

Now the reason for all these conspiracy theories, indulged in, by almost all of us, at some time or another, is that the government and the media lie.  In fact, they have lied to us some many times, over so many things, that it would be hard to believe them about anything.  We don't.

For starters in this case, there is the explanation from the Director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle, who said the reason there was no one on the roof where the shooter parked himself was the roof was slanted.  And because of that slant, it was too dangerous.  What?  You can watch the video of her give this reason and you will see that she does it with a straight face.  But if you look closely, you can see she's lying.  But it looks like she believes it.  And we in turn are to believe that the brave, dedicated, fearless Secret Service agents, who are supposed to take a bullet for the President, can't be on a roof that's slightly slanted because it's too dangerous!  OMG!  No, that's double OMG or OMG!! And, as readers of this column know OMG!!, is the absolute end of it all.

Let the conspiracy theories flow.

P.S. One more conspiracy to add to the mix.  Once Old Brains found out they'd missed DJT, he knew it was time to go.

Dicens, simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Conspiracy Theories


While we don't traffic in conspiracy theories and we won't ascribe to any of them, we cant' stop them either.  And, the first thing that any decent conspiracy theorist will jump on, is why was there a roof with a clear line of sight to Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, left unoccupied and unguarded?  We have to put this out there because years ago we were in attendance when a big foreign Macher made a speech in front of City Hall.  While sitting in the audience and gazing around, we could see every rooftop was occupied.  Not sure if they were Secret Service, FBI, CIA, NYPD, Navy Seals or MI6 but if you wanted to go up on any of those roofs to shoot the big Macher, well sorry, there wasn't any room.

Oh btw Donald Trump like John McCain, is, officially a hero.  So just like John McCain every time you mention his name you have to say He's a hero.  So from now on we will refer to him as Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, HIAH (He Is A Hero).  We are including the I in this one unlike the HLH where we drop the I for he's like Hitler, as we don't think HAH sounds appropriate.  Not for a hero.

There will be two basic thematic narratives that will travel through the conspiracy theories.  The first that it was the Deep State with help from the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Secret Service and well, all the usual suspects.  In this one Thomas Matthew Crooks the Fall Guy, was told he would be whisked away to safety, given a ton of money and this would be the first of many hits, he would be used for.  Of course since he was the Fall Guy, he got wasted at the scene.  No Lee Harvey Oswald left to be arrested by the local police and interrogated.  And no need to hire the Mafia to whack him afterwards.  No, this time it's a bullet to the head at the scene.  Game over.

The other is that Trump and his minions planned it.  The Fall Guy was told to shoot at empty cars, or mailboxes.  The Secret Service would then tackle him.  Since no one would be hurt, he would be sent to a mental hospital for a few years, where he could write his manifesto and everyone would know his name.  Meanwhile Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS, HIAH upon hearing the gunfire, would know to duck down under the podium, where there was a sharp object with which he could cut his ear and then rise up triumphant.  This is all unknown to the Fall Guy, who gets a bullet in the head.  Of course this Fall Guy, might have got overly stimulated thinking he's a real assassin and then shot a few people or he was just a bad shot and missed whatever he was aiming at but oh well, either way, "the best laid plans of mice and men".*

Like we said at the beginning here, we don't ascribe to conspiracy theories and we won't endorse any of them.  But wait, you say.  What about the those conspiracy theories that turned out to be true?  And yes there are a few of those.  Well, when a conspiracy theory turns out to be true, it is no longer a conspiracy theory.  Sometimes the conspiracy theorist, get it right.  So, let the games begin.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico

* Robert Burns

P.S. Note to DJT.  You might want to hire your own security team.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Questions, Questions, Questions

George Clooney of all people and in an Op-ed in the New York Times of all places, said Old Brains Biden has got to go.  This begs the question, what is holding Old Brains Biden up?  How can he survive this?  Yeah, yeah other people are calling for his head but this is George Clooney and the New York Times!  Maybe the days, now dwindle down, to a precious few.

Now we all thought the dems would moan and groan about Old Brains for a week or two after his disastrous performance in The Great Debate of 2024.  But then they'd all come together, sing Kumbaya and Old Brains would be their guy.  But we might have been wrong.  That happens in this journalism thing.  People get things wrong.  But we'll own up to it.  Should it occur.  We will still ask the questions and questions can be those nasty things.

Like why don't they just make VP Kamala Harris the POTUS.  The dems can invoke the 25th Amendment any time they want.  No one needs Old Brains approval.  They don't even have to tell him.  They just tell him he has to go back to the basement, give him some ice cream and let him Skype once in a while.  He won't know the difference.  LBJ was the VP and he just took over after JFK got shot and nobody said boo.  Maybe they should have but no one said boo.  And Gerald Ford just waltzed into the Oval office a minute after Nixon resigned.  Again, no one said boo, not even Nixon.

All of which brings us to our next vexing scenario and question, what's the point here?  We mean Hunter Biden has been convicted of three felonies and he's just waltzing around town and even sitting in the Oval office, like nothing happened.  And, Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS has been convicted of 34 felonies and he's running for President, like nothing happened.  Other than almost getting assassinated but that's what happens to Presidents and Presidential candidates.  In fact, just like Hunter, Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS might be sitting in the Oval office in a few months.  Unless the next shooter does more than just nick his ear.

Then there is Alec Baldwin who was on trial for involuntary manslaughter and the prosecutors forgot to give some of the evidence to the defense and we're pretty sure that gets covered in Law School 101, so how could they forget?  And of course, the judge threw the case out of court.  Now these are different jurisdictions and totally unrelated cases but inquiring minds might begin to wonder what's the point of impaneling grand juries, bringing charges, having trials and even getting convictions, if the end result is the accused or convicted, are just walking around like nothing ever happened in the first place?

These maybe tough questions and maybe no one can even answer them but we have to ask.  We did say, it could get nasty.

Dicens simile facctum est

Pro Bono Publico

Friday, July 5, 2024

What's The BFD?

We've wondered this one for quite sometime.  If this is a democracy why do we have the 9 Pointy Headed Wonders Of The Known World aka The Supreme Court, telling us what is morally right or morally wrong?  Who elected them?  Of course we think democracy is dead but when it was still alive, and if we needed a body of people to tell us what is morally right or wrong, they should be Pediatricians not Lawyers.  Pediatricians know what is good for children and if we need to be told what is morally wright and morally wrong, then we are children.

We began pondering this one once again, as with much fanfare the 9 Pointy Headed Wonders Of The Known World, to be known as 9PHWs from now on, as we go for brevity, always, rendered down a decision from on high, that said Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS had immunity for his official acts back when he was President.  There was much hue and cry over this, as there is over most everything the 9 PHWs do.  But this struck us as odd because all government employees have immunity for their official acts, not just Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS  or any other President.

This goes for the Police Officer, The Firefighter, the Clerk in Post Office and for everybody working for the government.  If you are carrying out your official duties as a government employee, you can't be sued or arrested.  Makes sense if you stop to think about it.  Of course most people wronged by the government want to sue the government because that's where the money is.  But you can't sue or arrest anyone working for the government, so long as they are carrying out their official duties, no matter how much you don't like them.  And Presidents are government employees, as was, Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS.  So, what is the BFD here?

And, we don't know what was funnier, Old Brains Biden trying to string a few coherent sentences together during The Great Debate or the reaction of all the dem Know-It-Alls and the dem Cognoscenti Of The Know World, who all of a sudden realized that Old Brains is senile.  Where have they been for the last 4 years?  Do they watch the news?  Do they have the internet?  Tik Tok?  Instagram?  Twitter?  Facebook?

We're not saying their reactions were orchestrated.  Just because they all say the same things, all the time.  And on cue too.  But it sure looked like it.  Why would they do this?  Seemingly throwing their own guy overboard?  Could be the plan is not to try and deny the obvious.  Just at some point up ahead, they all shrug and say, at least he's not Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS.  So he's senile.  What's the BFD?

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publco

Monday, July 1, 2024

Why Have Elections?

We think of ourselves as the cutting edge, the tip of the spear in this journalism thingy.  That's why we are posing the question above.  If you can remember or even if you weren't born yet, you must have heard about the Presidential election of the year 2000.  It was Gore v. Bush the Younger, and it all came down to a little over 500 votes in Florida.  Those 500 votes gave Bush the Younger, the electoral college and the Presidency.  They counted those votes over and over again, up, down and sideways and the result kept coming out, Bush the Younger by that little more than 500 votes.  Well Bush the Younger, who came to be known as W, became the POTUS and the democrat Pundits, Know-It-Alls and their Cognoscenti of The Known World screamed for years, maybe even a decade or so, that the election was stolen.

Jump ahead to the 2016 election and HerHillaryness loses to one Donald John Trump soon to be known as "He's Like Hitler".  So, we will refer to him from now on as Donald (HLH) actually He's, is, He is, so it should be HILH but we're going for brevity here, so it will be Donald (HLH) Trump F for former POTUS or FPOTUS.  But HerHillaryness and all her Sycophants, the dem Pundits, the dem Know-It-Alls and the dem Cognoscenti Of The Known World, screamed for years, that the election had been stolen.  Not only that, it was stolen by the Russians!  There was even a large scale investigation on the subject by the FBI.  And just because the FBI couldn't find anything nor could anyone figure out how the Russians stole the election, doesn't mean they didn't do it.  These are the Russians we're talking about.  The baddest bad guys since the Nazis.  You might think the Taliban, the Alqualuddies and Terrorist in general are but they've seemed to have lost some of their luster, over the years.  The Russians are still  BAADD!

This brings us to the 2020 election, which we're sure everyone can remember, so there's no sense going over the whole thing again.  There is also the 1960 election where there were rumblings that LBJ got the dead to vote in Texas and Mayor Daley had more people voting in Chicago, then there were in Chicago, all of which, tipped the election for JFK.  That really didn't work out so hot in the long run, as no matter who you think shot JFK, Oswald, the guy on the grassy knoll, the CIA, the Mafia or the Illuminati, everyone would agree, that if he'd lost the election, no one would have shot him.

But with all these people who should know, since they are Pundits, Know-It-Alls and Cognoscenti Of The Known World, claiming all these elections were stolen, who are we to argue?  And what kind of confidence should we have in elections?  So again, why have them?

But this is a democracy you say?  Well democracy is dead.  We covered this a while back and if you don't believe us now, just Google it and see how many articles there are explaining it.  Plus there are a gaggle of Pundits, Know-It-Alls and Cognoscenti Of The Known World who say if Donald (HLH) Trump FPOTUS gets elected again, democracy is dead.  Well, anyone in the know, knows it's dead but we guess they mean, deader than disco or the doornail but most definitely, dead.

So what to do, you ask?  Well the Political Polls are the answer.  We suggest that whoever is leading in the Political Polls, is the POTUS or the winner in any election; Congress, Governor, Mayor.  This would stop all the complaints about stolen elections, as there wouldn't be any.  We wouldn't have to worry about people getting to the polls, as no one would have too.  We wouldn't have to worry about people discarding mail in votes or someone finding a few thousand votes in a car trunk, as there wouldn't be any mail in ballots.

And the Polls are accurate.  They're scientific.  If you don't believe us, just ask the Pollsters, the Pundits, the Know-It-Alls and the Cognoscenti Of The Known World.

Dicens simile factum est

Pro Bono Publico